
ClickUp is a project management tool that makes it easy to organize work and keep track of your team's progress. Query it using SQL with Anyquery.


First, install the plugin:

anyquery install clickup

Anyquery will ask you to create a ClickUp API token. To create one, go to your ClickUp account settings (profile icon > settings). Scroll down the left sidebar and click on "Apps". Then copy the API token at the top of the page, and paste it into Anyquery.


Most of the times, the table requires arguments (list_id, workspace_id, document_id, space_id, etc.) to fetch the data. You can provide these arguments as a parameter to the table function (e.g. clickup_tasks('list_id')). You can also use the WHERE clause to pass these arguments (e.g. WHERE doc_id = 'doc_id').

To retrieve these IDs, follow these instructions:

The clickup hierarchy is as follows: workspace > space > folder > list > task. Documents are part of a workspace, and pages are part of a document. Refer to the ClickUp documentation for more information.

-- List all the tasks in a list
SELECT * FROM clickup_tasks('list_id');
SELECT * FROM clickup_tasks WHERE list_id = 'list_id';

-- Count the number of tasks per status
SELECT status, COUNT(*) FROM clickup_tasks('list_id') GROUP BY status;

-- Access a custom field of a task
SELECT custom_fields ->> '$.custom_field_name' FROM clickup_tasks('list_id');

-- Search a document by name
SELECT * FROM clickup_docs('workspace_id') WHERE name LIKE '%document_name%';

-- Concat all the pages of a document
SELECT group_concat(content) FROM clickup_pages('workspace_id', 'doc_id');

-- List all the lists in a space that belong to a folder
WITH folder_lists AS (
    SELECT folder_id, name FROM clickup_folders('space_id')
SELECT AS folder_name, AS list_name
    clickup_lists(f.folder_id) l,
    folder_lists f;



Returns a list of tasks for a given list. Takes a list_id as an argument.

Column index Column name type
0 task_id TEXT
1 description TEXT
2 status TEXT
3 order_index INTEGER
4 created_at TEXT
5 updated_at TEXT
6 closed_at TEXT
7 done_at TEXT
8 created_by TEXT
9 started_at TEXT
10 due_at TEXT
11 estimated_time INTEGER
12 time_spent INTEGER
13 assignees TEXT
14 watchers TEXT
15 tags TEXT
16 custom_fields TEXT
17 parent TEXT
18 project_id TEXT
19 folder_id TEXT
20 space_id TEXT
21 url TEXT


Returns a list of documents for a given workspace. Takes a workspace_id as an argument.

Column index Column name type
0 doc_id TEXT
1 created_at TEXT
2 updated_at TEXT
3 name TEXT
4 parent_id TEXT
5 creator_id TEXT
6 deleted INTEGER


Returns a list of pages for a given document. Takes a workspace_id and a doc_id as arguments.

Column index Column name type
0 page_id TEXT
1 created_at TEXT
2 updated_at TEXT
3 name TEXT
4 creator_id TEXT
5 content TEXT
6 archived INTEGER
7 deleted INTEGER
8 protected INTEGER


Returns a list of folders for a given space. Takes a space_id as an argument.

Column index Column name type
0 folder_id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 archived INTEGER


Returns a list of lists for a given folder. Takes a folder_id as an argument.

Column index Column name type
0 list_id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 order_index TEXT
3 description TEXT
4 task_count INTEGER
5 due_at TEXT
6 start_at TEXT
7 archived INTEGER


Returns information about the authenticated user.

Column index Column name type
1 username TEXT
2 email TEXT
3 color TEXT
4 profile_picture TEXT
5 initials TEXT
6 week_start_day INTEGER
7 timezone TEXT
