Getting Started
What is anyquery about ?
Anyquery allows you to write SQL queries on pretty much any data source. It is a query engine that can be used to query data from different sources like databases, APIs, and even files. For example, you can use a Notion database or a Google Sheet as a database to store your data.
-- List all the repositories from Cloudflare ordered by starsSELECT * FROM github_repositories_from_user('cloudflare') ORDER BY stargazers_count DESC;
-- List all your saved tracks from SpotifySELECT * FROM spotify_saved_tracks;
-- Insert data from a git repository into a Google SheetINSERT INTO google_sheets_table (name, line_added) SELECT author_name, addition FROM git_commits_diff('');
Thank you for trying out Anyquery! You can install it by following the instructions below:
Ubuntu, Debian, and derivatives (apt package manager)
# Add the repositoryecho "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anyquery.list# Update the package listsudo apt update# Install the packagesudo apt install anyquery
Fedora, CentOS, and derivatives (dnf/yum package manager)
# Add the repositoryecho "[anyquery]name=Anyquerybaseurl=" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/anyquery.repo# Install the packagesudo dnf install anyquery
MacOS (Homebrew)
brew install julien040/anyquery/anyquery
Windows (Scoop)
scoop bucket add anyquery install anyquery
Windows (Chocolatey)
choco install anyquery
Windows (Winget)
winget install JulienCagniart.anyquery