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Anyquery is based on SQLite. Therefore, you can easily attach a SQLite database to Anyquery.

Connection string

The connection string for SQLite has the following format:


Connection options

  • file: The path to the SQLite database file.
  • mode: The mode to open the database file. The default is rw (read-write). You can also use ro (read-only) or memory (in-memory).
  • immutable: If set to true, the database file is opened in immutable mode. This means that the database file is read-only and cannot be modified.

Attach a SQLite database

You have two options to attach a SQLite database to Anyquery:

  • Attach it on startup by registering a connection in the configuration database.
  • Run the ATTACH DATABASE command in the shell (or MySQL client).

Attach on startup

To attach a SQLite database on startup, you need to register a connection in the configuration database. You can do this by running the following command:

Terminal window
anyquery connection add

Then, provide the connection string, SQLite as the database type and a name for the connection. The name is used to reference the connection in the queries. For example, if you provide the name mydb, you can reference the connection in a query like this:

SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable;

The CEL filter will be ignored when querying the attached SQLite database.

Attach in the shell

To attach a SQLite database in the shell, you can run the ATTACH DATABASE command. For example, to attach a database located at /path/to/database.db, you can run the following command:

ATTACH DATABASE file:/path/to/database.db?mode=ro AS mydb;

Then, you can reference the attached database in a query like this:

SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable;