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Installing plugins

Anyquery is plugin-based, and you can install plugins to extend its functionality. You can install plugins from the official registry or create your own.


How to install a plugin?

Run anyquery plugin install <plugin-name> in your terminal. If you want to browse the available plugins, visit the official registry or run anyquery plugin i without any arguments.

Browse the registry

You can browse the available plugins in the official registry. The registry contains plugins for various saas, local apps and file formats.


Update the registry

Before running any of the operations below, you should update the registry to get the latest plugins.

How to update the registry
anyquery registry refresh

Install a plugin

Each integration provides a tutorial on how to install it. You can install a plugin by running anyquery install <plugin-name> in your terminal. If the plugin requests any additional information, you will be prompted to provide it. By default, it creates a profile named default for the plugin. To create additional profiles (configurations), see the profiles documentation.

How to install a plugin
anyquery install <plugin-name>
Example of installing the GitHub plugin
(base) julien@MacBook-Air-Julien ~ % anyquery install github
โœ… Successfully installed the plugin github
๐Ÿ’ช Let's create a new profile default for the plugin github
โ”ƒ token* (type: string)
โ”ƒ A GitHub personal access token with scopes: repo, read:org, gist, read:packages. See for more
โ”ƒ> My token
enter submit
โœ… Successfully created profile default
You can now start querying these tables:
- github_my_repositories
- github_repositories_from_user
- github_commits_from_repository
- github_issues_from_repository
- github_pull_requests_from_repository
- github_releases_from_repository
- github_branches_from_repository
- github_contributors_from_repository
- github_tags_from_repository
- github_followers_from_user
- github_my_followers
- github_following_from_user
- github_my_following
- github_stars_from_user
- github_my_stars
- github_gists_from_user
- github_my_gists
- github_comments_from_issue
By running the following command:
anyquery "SELECT * FROM github_my_repositories;"
You can access at anytime the list of tables by running:
anyquery "PRAGMA table_list;"

Update a plugin

To update a plugin, run anyquery plugin update <plugin-name> in your terminal. If the plugin has a new version, it will be downloaded and installed.

How to update a plugin
anyquery plugin update <plugin-name>
Example of updating the GitHub plugin
(base) julien@MacBook-Air-Julien anyquery % anyquery plugin update github
Plugin github is already up to date

Remove a plugin

To remove a plugin, you need to delete all the profiles associated with it. Run anyquery plugin remove default <plugin-name> in your terminal. The program will normally fail and indicate which command you need to run to remove the profiles. Once run, run again anyquery plugin remove <plugin-name> to remove the plugin for good.

How to remove a plugin
anyquery plugin remove default <plugin-name>
# Remove each profile associated with the plugin
anyquery profiles delete default <plugin-name> <profile-name>
Example of removing the GitHub plugin
(base) julien@MacBook-Air-Julien ~ % anyquery plugin rm default github
The plugin is linked to the following profiles:
Please delete the profiles before uninstalling the plugin
by running the following command(s):
anyquery profile delete default github default
(base) julien@MacBook-Air-Julien ~ % anyquery profile delete default github default
โœ… Successfully deleted the profile default for the plugin github
(base) julien@MacBook-Air-Julien ~ % anyquery plugin rm default github
โœ… Successfully uninstalled the plugin github

Using SQLite extensions

Anyquery can also load any SQLite extension. To do so, you need to download the extension and load it by passing the flag --extension and the path to anyquery. You can load multiple extensions by separating them with a comma.

How to load many extensions
anyquery --extension=./dist/,