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Datasette makes it easy to explore and publish data. Anyquery makes it easy to query data from any source. I see a match here. Let’s connect Datasette to Anyquery.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:

  • A working installation of Anyquery
  • Datasette installed on your machine

Fetching Data

For the example, we will import two datasets:

Let’s begin by installing the git plugin if it has not been done already:

Terminal window
anyquery install git

Next, let’s open a shell with an on-disk database and import the data:

Terminal window
anyquery q datasette.db
-- Importing commits from simonw/datasette
CREATE TABLE datasette_commits AS
SELECT * FROM git_commits_diff('');
-- Importing foreign exchange rates
CREATE TABLE euro_exchange_rates AS
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('', header=true);
-- Vacuum the database to be sure all data is in datasette.db

Connecting Datasette

Let’s write the Datasette metadata file. It adds a title, description, and a custom theme created by julien040.

"title": "My datasette - anyquery integration",
"description": "This is a datasette instance connected to anyquery",
"extra_css_urls": [
"[email protected]/theme.min.css"

Now, let’s start Datasette:

Terminal window
datasette datasette.db --metadata metadata.json

Head to to see the commits from the datasette repository.

Datasette commits


You’ve successfully connected Datasette to Anyquery. You can see the result at