Apple notes

Query and export your notes from Apple Notes with SQL.


anyquery install notes


-- Get all your notes (will probably fail with pretty output mode due to the amount of html to print. Switch to json,csv, plain, etc.)
SELECT * FROM notes_items;

-- Get all your notes with a specific title
SELECT * FROM notes_items WHERE name = 'My note title';

-- Get all your notes that talk about a specific topic
SELECT * FROM notes_items WHERE html_body LIKE '%my topic%';

-- Get your 10 most recent notes
SELECT * FROM notes_items ORDER BY creation_date DESC LIMIT 10;

-- Get the folder with the most notes
SELECT folder, COUNT(*) AS notes_count FROM notes_items GROUP BY folder ORDER BY notes_count DESC LIMIT 1;
# Export all your notes to a csv file
anyquery -q "SELECT * FROM notes_items" --csv > my_notes.csv


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 creation_date TEXT
3 modification_date TEXT
4 html_body TEXT
5 folder TEXT
6 account TEXT
