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LibreChat is an open-source chat application for different LLM models. Using Anyquery, you can connect LibreChat to your local and online applications (such as Spotify, GitHub, Discord, etc.) and interact with them using natural language.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:

  • A working installation of Anyquery (v0.4.0). Follow the installation guide if you haven’t installed it yet.
  • A few integrations set up in Anyquery. Refer to each integration guide for more information.
  • LibreChat hosted somewhere.

Connect LibreChat to Anyquery

To connect Anyquery to LibreChat, you can either use the HTTP api (recommended) or the model context protocol.

Ensuring agents are enabled

For both protocols, you need to enable Agents. By default, they should be enabled, and available in the Agents section of the model selection screen. If not, ensure your librechat.yaml configuration file looks like this:

version: 1.2.1
agents: true
recursionLimit: 25 # Can be increased if needed
disableBuilder: false
capabilities: ["actions", "tools"] # You can add other capabilities here

If you still cannot see the Agents section, check your environment variables. The ENDPOINTS variable should include agents.



  1. Start Anyquery

    In a terminal, run the following command to start Anyquery:

    anyquery gpt

    This command will start a tunnel to Anyquery and provide you a bearer token. You must then use this token to authenticate your requests to Anyquery.

    julien@MacBook-Air-Julien anyquery % anyquery gpt
    Your Anyquery ID is ikabcjde. This is your bearer token that you must set in
    2025-02-10 21:29:12.293 [I] [client/service.go:295] try to connect to server...
    2025-02-10 21:29:12.453 [I] [client/service.go:287] [cc07e04c16c1e59f] login to server success, get run id [cc07e04c16c1e59f]
    2025-02-10 21:29:12.454 [I] [proxy/proxy_manager.go:173] [cc07e04c16c1e59f] proxy added: [ikabcjde]
    2025-02-10 21:29:12.494 [I] [client/control.go:168] [cc07e04c16c1e59f] [ikabcjde] start proxy success
  2. Set up LibreChat

    Select the Agents section in the model selection screen, and create a new one.

    LibreChat Agents

    In the right panel, fill in the fields for your new agent.

    • Name and Description: Give your agent a name and a description.
    • Instructions Go to this gist and copy the content to the instructions field.
    • Model: Select the LLM model you want to use with LibreChat.

    Click on Create to save your agent.

    LibreChat Agent

    Now that your agent is created, click on Add actions to connect it to Anyquery.
    Under authentication, select API Key, select Bearer as Auth Type, and paste the bearer token you received from Anyquery. LibreChat Auth

    Then, go to this gist and copy the content to the Schema field.

    Finally, click on Create to save your action. Go back, and then click on Save to save your agent. LibreChat End result

    Congratulations 🎉. LibreChat is connected to Anyquery.

Model Context Protocol

Anyquery can also connect to LibreChat using the Model Context Protocol (MCP).

  1. Start Anyquery

    In a terminal, run the following command to start Anyquery:

    anyquery mcp --tunnel

    This command will start a tunnel to Anyquery and provide you an HTTPS URL. You must then use this URL and pass it to LibreChat.

    julien@MacBook-Air-Julien anyquery % anyquery mcp --tunnel
    Model context protocol server listening on
    2025-02-12 15:54:14.332 [I] [client/service.go:295] try to connect to server...
  2. Set up LibreChat

    Open the librechat.yaml configuration file, and add the following configuration:

    version: 1.2.1
    anyquery: # Replace the URL with the one you received from Anyquery
    # Rest of your configuration

    Now, we will create a new agent in LibreChat. Select the Agents section in the model selection screen, and create a new one.

    LibreChat Agents

    In the right panel, fill in the fields for your new agent.

    • Name and Description: Give your agent a name and a description.
    • Instructions You can leave it empty.
    • Model: Select the LLM model you want to use with LibreChat.

    Now, click on Add Tools to add Anyquery as a tool. Go to the last page, and add:

    • listTables
    • describeTable
    • executeQuery

    LibreChat Tools

    Finally, click on Create to save your agent. Go back, and then click on Save to save your agent.

Selecting the agent

Now that you have set up your agent, go back to the Agents section in LibreChat, and select the agent you just created in the right panel LibreChat Agent Selection

You can now start interacting with LibreChat using natural language. Here are a few examples:

  • What can you do?
  • Recommend me a song according to my history.
  • Take this PDF, and open the references in my browser.
  • Here is a link to my schedule, when should I schedule a meeting?