Docker plugin

The Docker plugin allows you to query Docker containers, images and networks over SQL.


anyquery install docker


-- List all containers
SELECT * FROM docker_containers;

-- List all images from another docker daemon
SELECT * FROM docker_images('tcp://');

-- List all networks
SELECT * FROM docker_networks;

Each table can specify another docker daemon to connect to by passing the connection string as an argument to the table function. You can also set the column host like this:

-- List all containers from another docker daemon
SELECT * FROM docker_containers WHERE host='tcp://';

Finally, the plugin reads the environment variable DOCKER_HOST to connect to the docker daemon. If the variable is not set, it will connect to the default docker daemon.



Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 names TEXT
2 image TEXT
3 image_id TEXT
4 command TEXT
5 created_at TEXT
6 ports TEXT
7 labels TEXT
8 size_rw INTEGER
9 size_root_fs INTEGER
10 state TEXT
11 status TEXT
12 networks TEXT
13 mounts TEXT


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 created_at TEXT
2 path TEXT
3 args TEXT
4 container_state TEXT
5 image TEXT
6 resolv_conf_path TEXT
7 hostname_path TEXT
8 hosts_path TEXT
9 log_path TEXT
10 name TEXT
11 restart_count INTEGER
12 driver TEXT
13 platform TEXT
14 mount_label TEXT
15 process_label TEXT
16 host_config TEXT
17 mounts TEXT
18 config TEXT
19 network_settings TEXT


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 created_at TEXT
2 labels TEXT
3 parent_id TEXT
4 repo_tags TEXT
5 repo_digests TEXT
6 container_count INTEGER
7 shared_size INTEGER
8 size INTEGER


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 created_at TEXT
3 scope TEXT
4 driver TEXT
5 enable_ipv6 INTEGER
6 ipam TEXT
7 containers TEXT
8 options TEXT
9 labels TEXT
10 peers TEXT
11 services TEXT
12 internal INTEGER
13 attachable INTEGER
14 ingress INTEGER
15 config_only INTEGER
16 config_from TEXT
