File plugin

Search and list files in a directory with SQL.


anyquery install file


SELECT * FROM file_list('/path/to/directory');
SELECT * FROM file_search('*.js');

It can be used as a basic find command.

-- find -name '*.ext'
SELECT * FROM file_search('*.ext');
-- find -daystart -mtime -7
SELECT * FROM file_search('*') where last_modified > datetime('now', '-7 days');



List files in a directory in a breadth-first order.

You can set a LIMIT so that the exploration function does not go too deep.

Column index Column name type
0 path TEXT
1 file_name TEXT
2 file_type TEXT
3 size INTEGER
4 last_modified INTEGER
5 is_directory INTEGER
Column index Column name type
0 path TEXT
1 file_name TEXT
2 file_type TEXT
3 size INTEGER
4 last_modified INTEGER
5 is_directory INTEGER
