Google Contacts plugin

This plugin allows you to query your Google Contacts using SQL queries.


Install the plugin with:

anyquery install google_contacts

Then, you need to authenticate with Google. Go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, and go to the APIs & Services console.

  1. Click on Credentials alt text
  2. Click on Create Credentials, and select OAuth client ID alt text
  3. If not done, configure the consent screen alt text
    1. Select External and click on Create

    2. And fill the form with the required information

      • Application name: AnyQuery
      • User support email: Your email
      • Developer contact information: Your email
      • Leave the rest as it is

      alt text

    3. Click on Save and Continue

    4. Click on Save and Continue and leave Scopes as it is

    5. On test users, add the Google account you will use to query the responses

    6. Click on Save and Continue

    7. Click on Back to Dashboard

  4. Go back to the Credentials tab and click on Create Credentials alt text
  5. Select OAuth client ID, and select Web application
  6. Fill the form with the required information
    • Leave the name as whatever you want
    • Add the authorized redirect URIs:
    • Add authorized JavaScript origins:
    • Click on Create alt text
  7. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. We will use them later alt text
  8. Enable the Google People API. To do so, go to the Google People API page and click on Enable
  9. Go to Google Contacts integration
  10. Fill the form with the Client ID and Client Secret you copied and click on Submit alt text
  11. Select your Google account, skip the warning about the app not being verified, and
  12. Copy the token, the client ID, and the client secret alt text
  13. Go back to the terminal and fill in the form with the token, the client ID, and the client secret.

When anyquery finishes the installation, you will be asked to provide the token, the client ID, and the client Secret. Once you have provided the information, the plugin will be ready to use.


You can query your Google Contacts using SQL queries. The table name are google_contacts_items and google_contacts_flat. The former returns each value of the field as a JSON array or object, while the latter returns each first value of the field.

Here are some examples:

-- List your 10 first contacts by order of creation
SELECT * FROM google_contacts_flat LIMIT 10;
-- List contacts that will have their birthday in the next 90 days
SELECT names, substring(birthdays, 6, 5) AS birthday
FROM google_contacts_flat WHERE birthday BETWEEN strftime('%m-%d', 'now') AND strftime('%m-%d', 'now', '+90 days');
-- List contacts that have a phone number
SELECT names, phone_numbers FROM google_contacts_flat WHERE phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;
-- List all email addresses of contacts
SELECT names ->> '$[0]' as name, a.value AS email FROM google_contacts_items, json_each(email_addresses) AS a;


The schema is the same for both tables google_contacts_items and google_contacts_flat. The main difference is that google_contacts_items returns JSON values. For examples, names will be ["John Doe"] in google_contacts_items and John Doe in google_contacts_flat. However, in case of multiple values, google_contacts_items will return an array of values, while google_contacts_flat will return the first value.

Here is the schema:

Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 addresses TEXT
2 age_range TEXT
3 biographies TEXT
4 birthdays TEXT
5 calendar_urls TEXT
6 client_data TEXT
7 cover_photos TEXT
8 email_addresses TEXT
9 events TEXT
10 gender TEXT
11 im_clients TEXT
12 interests TEXT
13 locales TEXT
14 locations TEXT
15 names TEXT
16 nicknames TEXT
17 occupations TEXT
18 organizations TEXT
19 phone_numbers TEXT
20 photos TEXT
21 relations TEXT
22 sip_addresses TEXT
23 skills TEXT
24 urls TEXT
25 user_defined TEXT
