Imap plugin

Run SQL queries on your mailboxes.


anyquery install imap


Fill in the required configuration when installing the plugin. When you're done, you can run these SQL queries for example:

-- List all folders in the mailbox
SELECT * FROM imap_folders;

-- List all emails in the inbox
SELECT * FROM imap_emails;

-- List all emails in the inbox with a specific subject
SELECT * FROM imap_emails WHERE subject LIKE '%important%';

-- List unseen emails in the inbox
SELECT * FROM imap_emails WHERE flags NOT LIKE '%"Seen"%';

-- List flagged emails in the inbox
SELECT * FROM imap_emails WHERE flags LIKE '%"Flagged"%';

-- List all emails in the inbox with a specific sender
SELECT * FROM imap_emails EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM json_tree(_from) WHERE key = 'email' AND value = '<the sender email');

-- List all emails containing a specific word in the body
SELECT * FROM imap_emails_body WHERE body LIKE '%meeting with John%';



List your folders in your mailbox.

Column index Column name type
0 folder TEXT


List your emails without the body (more performant).

Known flags are Seen, Flagged, Answered, Deleted, Draft.

Column index Column name type
1 subject TEXT
2 sent_at TEXT
3 received_at TEXT
4 _from TEXT
5 to TEXT
6 reply_to TEXT
7 cc TEXT
8 bcc TEXT
9 message_id TEXT
10 flags TEXT
11 size INTEGER
12 folder TEXT


List your emails with the body (less performant, about 70 emails per second on a gigabit connection). Note that it only supports email bodies encoded in UTF-8. Other encodings will be ignored and filled with NULL.

Column index Column name type
1 subject TEXT
2 sent_at TEXT
3 received_at TEXT
4 _from TEXT
5 to TEXT
6 reply_to TEXT
7 cc TEXT
8 bcc TEXT
9 message_id TEXT
10 flags TEXT
11 size INTEGER
12 folder TEXT
13 body TEXT

Caveats and known information