Pocket plugin

Query, insert and delete articles from Pocket.


  1. Create a new Pocket app at https://getpocket.com/developer/apps/new. alt text
  2. Copy the consumer key from the app settings. alt text
  3. Fill it in the integration server https://integration.anyquery.dev/pocket and click on Submit. alt text
  4. Click on Authorize to authorize the app. alt text
  5. Copy the consumer key and access token from the response and fill it in when configuring the plugin. alt text


anyquery install pocket



-- List all articles
SELECT * FROM pocket_items

-- Insert a new article
INSERT INTO pocket_items (given_url, title) VALUES ('https://www.example.com', 'Example article')

-- Delete an article
DELETE FROM pocket_items WHERE given_url = 'https://www.example.com'



Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 given_url TEXT
2 given_title TEXT
3 resolved_url TEXT
4 resolved_title TEXT
5 excerpt TEXT
6 lang TEXT
7 favorite INTEGER
8 status INTEGER
9 time_added INTEGER
10 time_updated INTEGER
11 time_favorited INTEGER
12 time_read INTEGER
13 is_article INTEGER
14 has_image INTEGER
15 has_video INTEGER
16 word_count INTEGER
17 time_to_read INTEGER
18 listen_duration_estimate INTEGER
