Random data plugin

A plugin to generate random data.


anyquery install random


Specify the columns you want to generate in the SELECT clause. The plugin will generate random data for each column and return the result. To see the list of available columns, refer to the Tables schema section.


# Generate 100 random records and save them to a CSV file
anyquery -q "SELECT first_name, last_name, credit_card_number FROM random_people LIMIT 100" --csv > random.csv
# Generate 100 random records and save them to a JSON file
anyquery -q "SELECT username, email, phone_number, password FROM random_people LIMIT 100" --json > random.json
# Generate 320 passwords seperated by new lines
anyquery -q "SELECT password_lower_upper FROM random_passwords LIMIT 320" > passwords.txt

⚠️ Limitations

  • The generator is not trully random so don't use for security purposes.

  • Always set a LIMIT clause because the plugin will generate infinite records if you don't.

  • Because the plugin returns infinite records, you can't do joins with other tables. As a workaround, save the result to a table with CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT... and then join with that table.

Tables schema


Column index Column name type
1 first_name TEXT
2 last_name TEXT
3 gender TEXT
4 ssn TEXT
5 hobby TEXT
6 job_company TEXT
7 job_title TEXT
8 address TEXT
9 street TEXT
10 city TEXT
11 state TEXT
12 zip TEXT
13 country TEXT
14 latitude REAL
15 longitude REAL
16 phone TEXT
17 email TEXT
18 credit_card_number TEXT
19 credit_card_type TEXT
20 credit_card_expiration TEXT
21 credit_card_cvv INTEGER
22 username TEXT
23 password TEXT
24 favorite_beer TEXT
25 car_maker TEXT
26 car_model TEXT
27 car_type TEXT
28 car_transmission TEXT
29 car_fuel TEXT
30 favorite_fruit TEXT
31 favorite_vegetable TEXT
32 uuid TEXT
33 favorite_color TEXT
34 favorite_color_hex TEXT
35 pet_name TEXT
36 pet_type TEXT
37 language_spoken TEXT
38 ƒavorite_programming_language TEXT
39 favorite_sport_player TEXT
40 favorite_actor TEXT
41 favorite_movie TEXT
42 favorite_book TEXT


Column index Column name type
1 username TEXT
2 password_lower TEXT
3 password_lower_upper TEXT
4 password_with_special TEXT
5 password_with_special_number TEXT


Column index Column name type
1 url TEXT
2 domain_name TEXT
3 domain_extension TEXT
4 ipv4 TEXT
5 ipv6 TEXT
6 mac_address TEXT
7 user_agent TEXT