Reminder plugin

This plugin allows you to add/modify/delete/view reminders from Apple's Reminders app with SQL It's obviously only available on macOS.


anyquery install reminders

On the first query, a popup will ask you if you want your terminal to have access to Reminders. You need to allow it.


⚠️ For some reasons, the plugin is abyssmally slow with an Apple M1 on Sonoma (1 row per second). Internally, it uses AppleScript to interact with Reminders, which is not the fastest thing in the world. I feel like the Apple Script integration of Reminders is not the best.

To speed up the process, I've noticed deleting completed reminders can help a lot (up to 5x faster with more than 1000 completed reminders).

-- List all reminders
SELECT * FROM reminders_items;

-- Add a reminder
INSERT INTO reminders_items (name, body, due_date) VALUES ('Buy milk', 'From the grocery store', '2024-12-31 23:59');

-- Update a reminder
UPDATE reminders_items SET name = 'Buy milk and bread' WHERE name = 'Buy milk';
UPDATE reminders_items SET completed = true WHERE name = 'Buy milk and bread';

-- Delete a reminder
DELETE FROM reminders_items WHERE name = 'Buy milk and bread';


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 list TEXT
2 name TEXT
3 body TEXT
4 completed INTEGER
5 due_date TEXT
6 priority INTEGER

Schema info
