Rss plugin
Query RSS feeds with SQL.
anyquery install rss
-- List all feeds
SELECT * FROM rss_items('');
-- List all feeds with a filter by the first author
SELECT * FROM rss_items('') WHERE authors ->> '$[0].name' = 'author_name';
-- Print the first link of every item
SELECT links ->> '$[0]' as link FROM rss_items('');
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | guid | TEXT |
1 | title | TEXT |
2 | description | TEXT |
3 | content | TEXT |
4 | links | TEXT |
5 | updated | TEXT |
6 | published | TEXT |
7 | authors | TEXT |
8 | image_url | TEXT |
9 | image_title | TEXT |
10 | categories | TEXT |
11 | enclosures | TEXT |
- The plugin does not do any caching, so it will fetch the feed every time you query it.
- The plugin does not handle authentication (like setting a user agent or cookies).
- The plugin does not handle pagination. You will need to do UNION ALL queries between different pages (.e.g the url has ?page=1, ?page=2, etc).