Todoist plugin

A plugin to explore your tasks on Todoist with SQL.


anyquery install todoist

The plugin will ask you to pass a token to authenticate with Todoist. You can create a token at Select the developer tab and copy the the API key. Paste it in the anyquery form.



List all your active tasks. The table supports insert/delete and select operations. When deleting a task, it'll close the task on Todoist.


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 assigner_id TEXT
2 assignee_id TEXT
3 project_id TEXT
4 section_id TEXT
5 parent_id TEXT
6 order INTEGER
7 content TEXT
8 description TEXT
9 is_completed INTEGER
10 labels TEXT
11 priority INTEGER
12 comment_count INTEGER
13 creator_id TEXT
14 created_at TEXT
15 due TEXT
16 url TEXT
