
A plugin to explore your projects and deployments on Vercel.


anyquery install vercel

Once done, anyquery will ask you to authenticate with Vercel. Create a token at and paste it in the terminal.

If you have multiple accounts, you can create multiple profiles with anyquery profile new default vercel.

Also, each table can be filtered by teamID by adding a condtion in the WHERE clause. For example, SELECT * FROM vercel_deployments WHERE team_id = 'team_123' or by passing it as the last table argument SELECT * FROM vercel_deployments(...otherArgs, 'team_123').



Column index Column name type
0 account_id TEXT
1 created_at TEXT
2 updated_at TEXT
3 framework TEXT
4 project_id TEXT
5 name TEXT
6 node_version TEXT
7 serverless_region TEXT


You can filter by project_id or team_id. For example, SELECT * FROM vercel_deployments('project_123') or SELECT * FROM vercel_deployments('project_123', 'team_123'). These arguments are also available as columns project_id and team_id and can be used in the WHERE clause.

Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 url TEXT
3 created_at TEXT
4 ready_at TEXT
5 building_at TEXT
6 source TEXT
7 state TEXT
8 substate TEXT
9 type TEXT
10 target TEXT
11 creator_email TEXT
12 creator_name TEXT
13 inspector_url TEXT
14 github_commit_sha TEXT
15 github_commit_author TEXT
16 github_commit_message TEXT
