Query and modify Discord servers - Here are predefined queries for the Discord plugin.
Count the number of messages in a Discord channel that contain a specific word.
Count the number of messages sent by a specific user in a particular channel on Discord.
Get the total number of messages sent in a specific Discord channel.
Count the number of users who have been banned from a specific Discord server.
Retrieve all invite links of a server
Get all channels of a specific Discord server, ordered by their positions.
Retrieve all roles from a specific Discord server.
Get all members of a Discord server
Retrieve the first message that was sent in a specified Discord channel.
Retrieve the most recent message sent in a specific Discord channel.
Find the most used invite code in a Discord server.
Find out which user has invited the most people to a specific Discord server.
Find the first user to join a specified Discord server.
Get the most recent user to join a Discord server
Find the user who sent the most messages in a specific Discord channel.