Query GitHub data - Here are predefined queries for the GitHub plugin.
Get the 10 users with the most commits on GitHub for a given repository
Get the 10 repositories with the most stars of a user
Check if one user follows another on GitHub
Check if a specific user has starred a particular repository on GitHub.
Get the number of downloads for each release of a GitHub repository
Discover the number of stars per day for a given repository ordered by date (recent first)
Discover the issues assigned to you
Get a list of all branches for a specific GitHub repository
Retrieve a list of all the contributors for a specified GitHub repository.
Fetch the list of repositories starred by the authenticated user that are written in a specified programming language.
Get a list of repositories from a specific GitHub user
Find the gist with the most stars for a given GitHub user.
Get the list of users who follow you on GitHub
Find the repository with the highest number of stars for the authenticated user.
Discover the pull requests assigned to you
List the users who starred a GitHub repository
Find the oldest open issue in a specific GitHub repository based on the creation date
Get the user with the most commits on a GitHub repository