How to Convert a CSV File to a JSON File

Anyquery is a SQL query engine that enables you to execute SQL queries on various data sources, including CSV files. Additionally, it can export query results to different formats like JSON, which allows for easy conversion of a CSV file to a JSON file.


Before you begin, ensure the following:

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Anyquery Shell

First, open the Anyquery shell by running:


Step 2: Query the CSV File

To convert a CSV file to JSON, use the read_csv function. This function takes the path to the CSV file as an argument and reads the content of the file. The following example assumes that your CSV file is located at path/to/file.csv.

SELECT * FROM read_csv('path/to/file.csv');

Step 3: Export the Result to JSON

You can export the result of your query to JSON format using the --json flag or by setting the output format within the shell. Here are both methods:

Method 1: Using the --json flag

anyquery -q "SELECT * FROM read_csv('path/to/file.csv')" --json > file.json

Method 2: Setting the output format within the shell

  1. Set the output format to JSON:

  2. Run your query:

    SELECT * FROM read_csv('path/to/file.csv');
  3. Redirect the output to a JSON file:

    .output file.json

Step 4: Modify Columns (Optional)

You can also modify each column using functions such as upper, lower, CAST, etc. For example, the following query converts the name column to uppercase before exporting to JSON:

anyquery -q "SELECT upper(name) AS name, age FROM read_csv('path/to/file.csv')" --json > file.json

Advanced Usage

Specifying Additional Options

You can specify additional options like headers and delimiters for your CSV file:

SELECT * FROM read_csv('path/to/file.csv', header=true, delimiter=',');

Error Handling

Make sure to handle errors such as missing files or formatting issues. Anyquery will throw an error if the file does not exist or if there's an issue with the CSV format.

Performance Considerations

For large CSV files, consider using LIMIT to handle a subset of data at a time:

SELECT * FROM read_csv('path/to/file.csv') LIMIT 1000;

Refer to the functions documentation for more information on the available functions and how to use them.


You've now learned how to convert a CSV file to a JSON file using Anyquery. This process involves querying the CSV file and exporting the result to JSON format. By using Anyquery, you can perform additional transformations and handle various data sources seamlessly.