How to Export a SQLite Database to a CSV File

Exporting data from a SQLite database to a CSV file can be very useful for data analysis, reporting, and sharing. With the help of Anyquery, you can easily achieve this by running a simple SQL query. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to export a SQLite database to a CSV file.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Launch Anyquery

Open your terminal and launch Anyquery.


Step 2: Connect to Your SQLite Database

Use the -d flag to specify the path to your SQLite database file. For example, if your database is named mydatabase.db, use the following command:

anyquery -d mydatabase.db

Step 3: Run the Export Query

Use the -q flag to specify your SQL query and the --csv flag to specify the output format. Redirect the output to a CSV file using the > operator.

For example, to export all data from a table named my_table to a CSV file named output.csv, run the following command:

anyquery -q "SELECT * FROM my_table" --csv > output.csv

Step 4: Verify the Output

Open the output.csv file to ensure that the data has been correctly exported. You can use any text editor or spreadsheet software to view the CSV file.

Additional Tips

For more information on available functions, refer to the functions documentation.


You have successfully exported a SQLite database to a CSV file using Anyquery. This method is straightforward and flexible, allowing you to filter and format your data as needed. Now you can easily share your data or use it for further analysis in tools like Excel or Google Sheets.