How to Query a Google Sheet Using SQL

Anyquery is a versatile SQL query engine that allows you to run SQL queries on a variety of data sources, including Google Sheets. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to set up Anyquery, connect it to a Google Sheet, and query the data using SQL.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

Step 1: Install the Google Sheets Plugin

First, you need to install the Google Sheets plugin for Anyquery.

anyquery install google_sheets

Step 2: Authenticate with Google

To connect Anyquery to your Google Sheets, you need to authenticate with Google. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, and navigate to the APIs & Services console.

  2. Click on Credentials.

    Google Cloud Console Credentials

  3. Click on Create Credentials, and select OAuth client ID.

    Create OAuth client ID

  4. If not done, configure the consent screen:

    • Select External and click on Create.
    • Fill the form with the required information:
      • Application name: Anyquery
      • User support email: Your email
      • Developer contact information: Your email
      • Leave the rest as it is.
    • Click on Save and Continue until you reach the Test Users section.
    • Add the Google account you will use to query the responses.
    • Click on Save and Continue.
    • Click on Back to Dashboard.
  5. Go back to the Credentials tab and click on Create Credentials again. Select OAuth client ID, and select Web application.

  6. Fill the form with the required information:

    • Leave the name as whatever you want.
    • Add the authorized redirect URIs:
    • Add authorized JavaScript origins:
    • Click on Create.

    OAuth Settings

  7. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. We will use them later.

    Copy Client ID and Secret

  8. Enable the Google Sheets API. To do so, go to the Google Sheets API page and click on Enable.

    Enable API

  9. Go to Google Sheets integration.

  10. Fill the form with the Client ID and Client Secret you copied and click on Submit.

    Google Sheets Integration

  11. Select your Google account, skip the warning about the app not being verified, and copy the token, the client ID, and the client secret.

    Copy Token

  12. Go back to the terminal and fill in the form with the token, the client ID, and the client secret.

  13. To find the spreadsheet ID, go to the spreadsheet edit page and copy the ID from the URL. For example, in, the spreadsheet ID is 1D_x7DNwbI9ZOSFjII6BvttPzdLJAymrQwQcOvnHzW9c.

Step 3: Query Your Google Sheets

Now that you have set up the connection, you can query your Google Sheets using SQL. Here are some example queries:

-- List all the rows in the spreadsheet
SELECT * FROM google_sheets_spreadsheet;

-- List all the rows in the spreadsheet where the column "column_name" is equal to "value"
SELECT * FROM google_sheets_spreadsheet WHERE column_name = 'value';

-- Insert a new row in the spreadsheet
INSERT INTO google_sheets_spreadsheet (column_name1, column_name2) VALUES ('value1', 'value2');

-- Update the rows in the spreadsheet where the column "column_name" is equal to "value"
UPDATE google_sheets_spreadsheet SET column_name1 = 'value1', column_name2 = 'value2' WHERE column_name = 'value';

-- Delete the rows in the spreadsheet where the column "column_name" is equal to "value"
DELETE FROM google_sheets_spreadsheet WHERE column_name = 'value';


For more details, refer to the Google Sheets Plugin Documentation.


You have successfully connected Anyquery to Google Sheets and performed SQL queries on your spreadsheet data. Now you can explore and manipulate your Google Sheets data with SQL queries.