Discord plugin
Query data from Discord servers using SQL.
-- Get all messages from a channel
SELECT * FROM discord_messages('channel_id');
-- Check which invites are the most popular
SELECT * FROM discord_invites('guild_id') ORDER BY uses DESC;
-- Get all members of a guild
SELECT * FROM discord_members('guild_id');
-- Write a message to a channel
INSERT INTO discord_messages('channel_id', 'content') VALUES ('channel_id', 'Hello, world!');
-- Delete recent messages from a channel that contain the word 'hello'
DELETE FROM discord_messages('channel_id') WHERE content LIKE '%hello%' AND created_at > datetime('now', '-14 days');
- Create a new Discord application at https://discord.com/developers/applications.
- Go to the 'Bot' tab and click 'Add Bot'.
- Reset the bot token and copy it. You will need it later.
- Scroll down to configure the bot's permissions.
- Under 'Privileged Gateway Intents`, enable 'Server Members Intent' and 'Message Content Intent'.
- Under 'Bot permissions', enable 'Administrator'. If you know what you're doing, you can enable only the permissions you need.
- Go to the 'OAuth2' tab and select 'bot' in the 'OAuth2 URL Generator
section. Select the
Administrator` scope. - Copy the generated link and open it in your browser. Add the bot to your server.
- Congratulations! You can now use the plugin.
Install the discord plugin:
anyquery install discord
and paste the bot token when prompted.
Guide on IDs
is the ID of the server.channel_id
is the ID of the channel.message_id
is the ID of the message.user_id
is the ID of the user.
You can find the guild_id
by looking at the URL of the server. It is the first number after discord.com/channels/
. For example, in https://discord.com/channels/123456789012345678/987654321098765432
, the guild_id
is 123456789012345678
The channel_id
is the second number after discord.com/channels/
. In the same example, the channel_id
is 987654321098765432
Other IDs can be found by running queries like SELECT * FROM discord_messages('channel_id')
Most tables require the guild_id
or channel_id
to be specified. You can either pass it as an argument to the table (e.g. discord_messages('channel_id')
) or set it in the WHERE
clause (e.g. SELECT * FROM discord_messages WHERE channel_id = 'channel_id'
The discord_messages
table contains messages from a channel. It supports SELECT
, and DELETE
queries. Inserted messages will be sent under the bot's name. Also, the plugin is unable to delete messages older than 14 days.
-- Get all messages from a channel
SELECT * FROM discord_messages('channel_id');
SELECT * FROM discord_messages WHERE channel_id = 'channel_id';
-- Write a message to a channel
INSERT INTO discord_messages('channel_id', 'content') VALUES ('channel_id', 'Hello, world!');
-- Delete recent messages from a channel that contain the word 'hello'
DELETE FROM discord_messages('channel_id') WHERE content LIKE '%hello%' AND created_at > datetime('now', '-14 days');
-- Count the number of messages in a channel that contain the word 'hello'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM discord_messages('channel_id') WHERE content LIKE '%hello%';
-- Get the number of messages per user in a channel
SELECT username, COUNT(*) FROM discord_messages('channel_id') GROUP BY username, user_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | message_id | TEXT |
2 | content | TEXT |
3 | created_at | TEXT |
4 | edited_at | TEXT |
5 | user_id | TEXT |
6 | username | TEXT |
7 | pinned | INTEGER |
8 | attachments | TEXT |
9 | mentions | TEXT |
10 | reactions | TEXT |
The discord_channels
table contains channels from a server. It supports SELECT
, and DELETE
-- Get all channels from a server from top to bottom
SELECT * FROM discord_channels('guild_id') ORDER BY position;
-- Create a new channel
INSERT INTO discord_channels(guild_id, name, type) VALUES ('guild_id', 'my-channel', 'GUILD_TEXT');
-- Update a channel's name
UPDATE discord_channels('guild_id') SET name = 'new-name' WHERE name = 'old-name';
-- Delete a channel
DELETE FROM discord_channels('guild_id') WHERE name = 'channel-name';
Valid values for the channel type are GUILD_TEXT
, DM
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | channel_id | TEXT |
2 | name | TEXT |
3 | topic | TEXT |
4 | type | TEXT |
5 | nsfw | INTEGER |
6 | position | INTEGER |
7 | bitrate | INTEGER |
8 | user_limit | INTEGER |
9 | rate_limit_per_user | TEXT |
The discord_members
list members of a server. It supports SELECT
-- Get all members of a server
SELECT * FROM discord_members('guild_id');
-- Count the number of members in a server
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM discord_members('guild_id');
-- Kick a member from a server
DELETE FROM discord_members('guild_id') WHERE username = 'username';
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | user_id | TEXT |
2 | username | TEXT |
3 | discriminator | TEXT |
4 | email_verified | INTEGER |
5 | bot | INTEGER |
6 | joined_at | TEXT |
7 | nickname | TEXT |
8 | roles | TEXT |
9 | pending_membership | INTEGER |
10 | premium_since | TEXT |
11 | deaf | INTEGER |
12 | muted | INTEGER |
The discord_bans
table contains banned users from a server. It supports SELECT
, and DELETE
-- Get all banned users from a server
SELECT * FROM discord_bans('guild_id');
-- Ban a user from a server
INSERT INTO discord_bans('guild_id', 'user_id') VALUES ('guild_id', 'user_id');
-- Unban a user from a server
DELETE FROM discord_bans('guild_id') WHERE user_id = 'user_id';
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | user_id | TEXT |
2 | username | TEXT |
3 | discriminator | TEXT |
4 | email_verified | INTEGER |
5 | bot | INTEGER |
6 | ban_reason | TEXT |
List roles of a server. It supports SELECT
-- Get all roles of a server
SELECT * FROM discord_roles('guild_id');
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | id | TEXT |
1 | name | TEXT |
2 | managed | INTEGER |
3 | mentionable | INTEGER |
4 | hoist | INTEGER |
5 | color | TEXT |
6 | position | INTEGER |
7 | permissions | INTEGER |
8 | emoji | TEXT |
List all the guilds the bot is in. It supports SELECT
queries. You can use to get the guild_id
of a server.
-- Get all guilds the bot is in
SELECT * FROM discord_guilds;
-- Get the guild ID of a server
SELECT guild_id FROM discord_guilds WHERE name = 'server-name';
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | guild_id | TEXT |
1 | name | TEXT |
2 | icon | TEXT |
3 | member_count | INTEGER |
4 | presence_count | INTEGER |
List all the invites of a server. It supports SELECT
-- Get all invites of a server
SELECT * FROM discord_invites('guild_id');
-- Get the number of uses per invite
SELECT code, uses FROM discord_invites('guild_id') ORDER BY uses DESC;
Column index | Column name | type |
0 | to_channel_id | TEXT |
1 | to_channel_name | TEXT |
2 | created_by_id | TEXT |
3 | created_by_name | TEXT |
4 | invide_code | TEXT |
5 | created_at | TEXT |
6 | expires_at | TEXT |
7 | max_uses | INTEGER |
8 | uses | INTEGER |
9 | max_age | INTEGER |
10 | temporary | INTEGER |
11 | revoked | INTEGER |
12 | unique | INTEGER |