Discord plugin

Query data from Discord servers using SQL.

-- Get all messages from a channel
SELECT * FROM discord_messages('channel_id');

-- Check which invites are the most popular
SELECT * FROM discord_invites('guild_id') ORDER BY uses DESC;

-- Get all members of a guild
SELECT * FROM discord_members('guild_id');

-- Write a message to a channel
INSERT INTO discord_messages('channel_id', 'content') VALUES ('channel_id', 'Hello, world!');

-- Delete recent messages from a channel that contain the word 'hello'
DELETE FROM discord_messages('channel_id') WHERE content LIKE '%hello%' AND created_at > datetime('now', '-14 days');


  1. Create a new Discord application at https://discord.com/developers/applications.
  2. Go to the 'Bot' tab and click 'Add Bot'.
  3. Reset the bot token and copy it. You will need it later.
  4. Scroll down to configure the bot's permissions.
    1. Under 'Privileged Gateway Intents`, enable 'Server Members Intent' and 'Message Content Intent'.
    2. Under 'Bot permissions', enable 'Administrator'. If you know what you're doing, you can enable only the permissions you need.
  5. Go to the 'OAuth2' tab and select 'bot' in the 'OAuth2 URL Generatorsection. Select theAdministrator` scope.
  6. Copy the generated link and open it in your browser. Add the bot to your server.
  7. Congratulations! You can now use the plugin.

Install the discord plugin:

anyquery install discord

and paste the bot token when prompted.

Guide on IDs

You can find the guild_id by looking at the URL of the server. It is the first number after discord.com/channels/. For example, in https://discord.com/channels/123456789012345678/987654321098765432, the guild_id is 123456789012345678. The channel_id is the second number after discord.com/channels/. In the same example, the channel_id is 987654321098765432.

Other IDs can be found by running queries like SELECT * FROM discord_messages('channel_id').

Most tables require the guild_id or channel_id to be specified. You can either pass it as an argument to the table (e.g. discord_messages('channel_id')) or set it in the WHERE clause (e.g. SELECT * FROM discord_messages WHERE channel_id = 'channel_id').



The discord_messages table contains messages from a channel. It supports SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE queries. Inserted messages will be sent under the bot's name. Also, the plugin is unable to delete messages older than 14 days.

-- Get all messages from a channel
SELECT * FROM discord_messages('channel_id');
SELECT * FROM discord_messages WHERE channel_id = 'channel_id';

-- Write a message to a channel
INSERT INTO discord_messages('channel_id', 'content') VALUES ('channel_id', 'Hello, world!');

-- Delete recent messages from a channel that contain the word 'hello'
DELETE FROM discord_messages('channel_id') WHERE content LIKE '%hello%' AND created_at > datetime('now', '-14 days');

-- Count the number of messages in a channel that contain the word 'hello'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM discord_messages('channel_id') WHERE content LIKE '%hello%';

-- Get the number of messages per user in a channel
SELECT username, COUNT(*) FROM discord_messages('channel_id') GROUP BY username, user_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 message_id TEXT
2 content TEXT
3 created_at TEXT
4 edited_at TEXT
5 user_id TEXT
6 username TEXT
7 pinned INTEGER
8 attachments TEXT
9 mentions TEXT
10 reactions TEXT


The discord_channels table contains channels from a server. It supports SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries.

-- Get all channels from a server from top to bottom
SELECT * FROM discord_channels('guild_id') ORDER BY position;

-- Create a new channel
INSERT INTO discord_channels(guild_id, name, type) VALUES ('guild_id', 'my-channel', 'GUILD_TEXT');

-- Update a channel's name
UPDATE discord_channels('guild_id') SET name = 'new-name' WHERE name = 'old-name';

-- Delete a channel
DELETE FROM discord_channels('guild_id') WHERE name = 'channel-name';


Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 channel_id TEXT
2 name TEXT
3 topic TEXT
4 type TEXT
5 nsfw INTEGER
6 position INTEGER
7 bitrate INTEGER
8 user_limit INTEGER
9 rate_limit_per_user TEXT


The discord_members list members of a server. It supports SELECT and DELETE queries.

-- Get all members of a server
SELECT * FROM discord_members('guild_id');

-- Count the number of members in a server
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM discord_members('guild_id');

-- Kick a member from a server
DELETE FROM discord_members('guild_id') WHERE username = 'username';
Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 user_id TEXT
2 username TEXT
3 discriminator TEXT
4 email_verified INTEGER
6 joined_at TEXT
7 nickname TEXT
8 roles TEXT
9 pending_membership INTEGER
10 premium_since TEXT
11 deaf INTEGER
12 muted INTEGER


The discord_bans table contains banned users from a server. It supports SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE queries.

-- Get all banned users from a server
SELECT * FROM discord_bans('guild_id');

-- Ban a user from a server
INSERT INTO discord_bans('guild_id', 'user_id') VALUES ('guild_id', 'user_id');

-- Unban a user from a server
DELETE FROM discord_bans('guild_id') WHERE user_id = 'user_id';
Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 user_id TEXT
2 username TEXT
3 discriminator TEXT
4 email_verified INTEGER
6 ban_reason TEXT


List roles of a server. It supports SELECT queries.

-- Get all roles of a server
SELECT * FROM discord_roles('guild_id');
Column index Column name type
0 id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 managed INTEGER
3 mentionable INTEGER
4 hoist INTEGER
5 color TEXT
6 position INTEGER
7 permissions INTEGER
8 emoji TEXT


List all the guilds the bot is in. It supports SELECT queries. You can use to get the guild_id of a server.

-- Get all guilds the bot is in
SELECT * FROM discord_guilds;

-- Get the guild ID of a server
SELECT guild_id FROM discord_guilds WHERE name = 'server-name';
Column index Column name type
0 guild_id TEXT
1 name TEXT
2 icon TEXT
3 member_count INTEGER
4 presence_count INTEGER


List all the invites of a server. It supports SELECT queries.

-- Get all invites of a server
SELECT * FROM discord_invites('guild_id');

-- Get the number of uses per invite
SELECT code, uses FROM discord_invites('guild_id') ORDER BY uses DESC;
Column index Column name type
0 to_channel_id TEXT
1 to_channel_name TEXT
2 created_by_id TEXT
3 created_by_name TEXT
4 invide_code TEXT
5 created_at TEXT
6 expires_at TEXT
7 max_uses INTEGER
8 uses INTEGER
9 max_age INTEGER
10 temporary INTEGER
11 revoked INTEGER
12 unique INTEGER