

Query your Gmail emails using SQL

Anyquery is a query engine that allows you to run SQL queries on pretty much anything. In this guide, we will connect Anyquery to the Gmail IMAP server and query your emails using SQL.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

Step 1: Create an application password

Go to and create an application password for Anyquery. Input the name you want and copy the generated password.

Step 2: Create a new profile for the IMAP plugin

First, let’s create a new profile for the IMAP plugin. Run the following command:

Install the plugin and create a new profile
# If the plugin is not installed
anyquery install imap
# Otherwise, create a new profile
anyquery profile new default imap myprofile

Fill in the following details:

Step 3: Query your emails

Now that you have set up the profile, you can query your emails using SQL. Here is an example query to get the subject and the sender of the first 10 emails:

Query your emails
-- If the plugin is not installed
SELECT * FROM imap_emails LIMIT 10;
-- Otherwise, use the profile
SELECT * FROM myprofile_imap_emails LIMIT 10;