
The Salesforce plugin provides a way to interact with Salesforce using SQL. You can query Salesforce objects, create new Salesforce objects, update Salesforce objects, and delete Salesforce objects.


The Salesforce plugin provides tables for the following objects: account, contact, lead, opportunity, case, task, event, campaign, user, campaignmember, asset, contract, contractlineitem, servicecontract, solution, pricebook2, product2, productitem, pricebookentry, quote, quotelineitem, order, orderitem, invoice, invoiceline, report, dashboard, document, payment, paymentlineinvoice

If you need to query a different object, you can use the salesforce_custom plugin available here.

-- Query all accounts
SELECT * FROM salesforce_account;

-- Query all contacts whose email is like 'john.doe%'
SELECT * FROM salesforce_contact WHERE email LIKE 'john.doe%';

-- Join accounts and contacts
SELECT, FROM salesforce_account a
JOIN salesforce_contact c ON = c.accountid;

-- Create a new account
INSERT INTO salesforce_account (name, phone) VALUES ('My Account', '1234567890');

-- Update an account
UPDATE salesforce_account SET phone = '0987654321' WHERE name = 'My Account';

-- Delete an account
DELETE FROM salesforce_account WHERE name = 'My Account';

-- Sum of the amount charged in all invoices
SELECT SUM(TotalChargeAmount) FROM salesforce_invoice;

If you want to query across multiple organizations, you can create multiple profiles and configure each profile with the credentials of a different organization.


To get started, install the plugin:

anyquery install salesforce

To use this plugin, you will need a Salesforce organization with the REST API enabled. Currently, there are four ways to authenticate with the Salesforce plugin:

All flows require the following configuration:

Access Token using the sf CLI

  1. Install the sf CLI by following the instructions
  2. Run sf org login web to authenticate with Salesforce
  3. Run sf org display --target-org <username> and replace <username> with your username
  4. Copy the Access Token from the output

When anyquery will ask for the access token, paste the token you copied. Fill in the domain, encryption_key, and cache_ttl in the configuration, and leave the other fields empty.

Note that the access token expires after a certain amount of time (usually 1 hour). You can refresh the access token by running again sf org login web and copying the new access token. Then run anyquery profiles update default salesforce <profile name> (default is the main profile name) and paste the new access token in the access token field. Leave the other fields empty.

OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow

Step 1: Create a Connected App

  1. Go to Setup > App Manager > New Connected App
  2. Fill in the required fields
  3. In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, check Enable OAuth Settings
  4. In the Callback URL field, enter http://localhost:8080/callback
  5. In the Selected OAuth Scopes section, add the required scopes
    • Access and manage your data (api)
    • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  6. Click Save

Step 2: Get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

  1. Go to Setup > App Manager > Manage Connected Apps
  2. Click on the app you created
  3. Open OAuth Settings accordion
  4. Click on Consumer Key, pass the security check, and copy the consumer key and consumer secret

Step 3: Authenticate with Salesforce

Open in your browser the following URL and replace the placeholders with your values:


After you authenticate, you will be redirected to http://localhost:8080/callback?code=<code>. Copy the code from the URL.

Step 4: Get the refresh token

Run the following command in your terminal and replace the placeholders with your values:

curl -X "POST" "https://<domain>/services/oauth2/token" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" \
     --data-urlencode "code=<the code you copied from the URL>" \
     --data-urlencode "client_id=<consumer_key>" \
     --data-urlencode "client_secret=<consumer_secret>" \
     --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/callback"

Copy the refresh_token from the response. When anyquery will ask for the refresh token, paste the token you copied. Fill in the domain, consumer_key, consumer_secret, encryption_key, and cache_ttl in the configuration, and leave the other fields empty.

OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow

Step 1: Create a Connected App

  1. Go to Setup > App Manager > New Connected App
  2. Fill in the required fields
  3. In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, check Enable OAuth Settings
  4. In the Callback URL field, enter whatever you want
  5. In the Selected OAuth Scopes section, add the required scopes
    • Access and manage your data (api)
    • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  6. Click Save

Now you need to enable the Client Credentials OAuth Flow for the connected app:

  1. Go to Setup > App Manager > Manage Connected Apps
  2. Click on the app you created
  3. Click on Edit Policies
  4. Under OAuth Policies, select "Enable Client Credentials OAuth Flow"
  5. In the input field just below, enter the email adress of the user you want to impersonate for Anyquery
  6. Click Save

Step 2: Get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

  1. Go to Setup > App Manager > Manage Connected Apps
  2. Click on the app you created
  3. Open OAuth Settings accordion
  4. Click on Consumer Key, pass the security check, and copy the consumer key and consumer secret

When asked by Anyquery, paste the consumer key and consumer secret. Fill in the domain, encryption_key, and cache_ttl in the configuration, and leave the other fields empty.

Username and Password

This flow is not recommended for security reasons. If you can, prefer the Client Credentials Flow.

Step 1: Create a Connected App

  1. Go to Setup > App Manager > New Connected App
  2. Fill in the required fields
  3. In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, check Enable OAuth Settings
  4. In the Callback URL field, enter http://localhost:8080/callback
  5. In the Selected OAuth Scopes section, add the required scopes
    • Access and manage your data (api)
    • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  6. Click Save

Step 2: Enable the Username and Password OAuth Flow

  1. Go to Setup > Identity > OAuth and OpenID Connect Settings
  2. Check Allow users to use the username/password OAuth flow and click Save

Once done, when asked by Anyquery, paste the consumer key (client_id) and consumer secret (client_secret). Fill in the domain, encryption_key, and cache_ttl in the configuration. You'll need to enter your username and password when Anyquery asks for them. Your password is the concatenation of your password and your security token. Learn how to get your security token here.

Additional Information


The following contains the schema of the tables available in the Salesforce plugin. If you added any custom fields to your Salesforce objects, they will be available in the tables suffixed with __c.


Represents an individual account, which is an organization or person involved with your business (such as customers, competitors, and partners).

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 MasterRecordId TEXT
3 Name TEXT
4 Type TEXT
5 ParentId TEXT
6 BillingStreet TEXT
7 BillingCity TEXT
8 BillingState TEXT
9 BillingPostalCode TEXT
10 BillingCountry TEXT
11 BillingLatitude REAL
12 BillingLongitude REAL
13 BillingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
14 BillingAddress TEXT
15 ShippingStreet TEXT
16 ShippingCity TEXT
17 ShippingState TEXT
18 ShippingPostalCode TEXT
19 ShippingCountry TEXT
20 ShippingLatitude REAL
21 ShippingLongitude REAL
22 ShippingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
23 ShippingAddress TEXT
24 Phone TEXT
25 Fax TEXT
26 AccountNumber TEXT
27 Website TEXT
28 PhotoUrl TEXT
30 Industry TEXT
31 AnnualRevenue REAL
32 NumberOfEmployees REAL
33 Ownership TEXT
34 TickerSymbol TEXT
35 Description TEXT
36 Rating TEXT
37 Site TEXT
38 OwnerId TEXT
39 CreatedDate TEXT
40 CreatedById TEXT
41 LastModifiedDate TEXT
42 LastModifiedById TEXT
43 SystemModstamp TEXT
44 LastActivityDate TEXT
45 LastViewedDate TEXT
46 LastReferencedDate TEXT
47 Jigsaw TEXT
48 JigsawCompanyId TEXT
49 CleanStatus TEXT
50 AccountSource TEXT
51 DunsNumber TEXT
52 Tradestyle TEXT
53 NaicsCode TEXT
55 YearStarted TEXT
57 DandbCompanyId TEXT
58 OperatingHoursId TEXT


Represents a contact, which is a person associated with an account.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 MasterRecordId TEXT
3 AccountId TEXT
4 LastName TEXT
5 FirstName TEXT
6 Salutation TEXT
7 Name TEXT
8 OtherStreet TEXT
9 OtherCity TEXT
10 OtherState TEXT
11 OtherPostalCode TEXT
12 OtherCountry TEXT
13 OtherLatitude REAL
14 OtherLongitude REAL
15 OtherGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
16 OtherAddress TEXT
17 MailingStreet TEXT
18 MailingCity TEXT
19 MailingState TEXT
20 MailingPostalCode TEXT
21 MailingCountry TEXT
22 MailingLatitude REAL
23 MailingLongitude REAL
24 MailingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
25 MailingAddress TEXT
26 Phone TEXT
27 Fax TEXT
28 MobilePhone TEXT
29 HomePhone TEXT
30 OtherPhone TEXT
31 AssistantPhone TEXT
32 ReportsToId TEXT
33 Email TEXT
34 Title TEXT
35 Department TEXT
36 AssistantName TEXT
37 LeadSource TEXT
38 Birthdate TEXT
39 Description TEXT
40 OwnerId TEXT
41 CreatedDate TEXT
42 CreatedById TEXT
43 LastModifiedDate TEXT
44 LastModifiedById TEXT
45 SystemModstamp TEXT
46 LastActivityDate TEXT
47 LastCURequestDate TEXT
48 LastCUUpdateDate TEXT
49 LastViewedDate TEXT
50 LastReferencedDate TEXT
51 EmailBouncedReason TEXT
52 EmailBouncedDate TEXT
53 IsEmailBounced INTEGER
54 PhotoUrl TEXT
55 Jigsaw TEXT
56 JigsawContactId TEXT
57 CleanStatus TEXT
58 IndividualId TEXT
59 IsPriorityRecord INTEGER
60 ContactSource TEXT


Represents a prospect or lead.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 MasterRecordId TEXT
3 LastName TEXT
4 FirstName TEXT
5 Salutation TEXT
6 Name TEXT
7 Title TEXT
8 Company TEXT
9 Street TEXT
10 City TEXT
11 State TEXT
12 PostalCode TEXT
13 Country TEXT
14 Latitude REAL
15 Longitude REAL
16 GeocodeAccuracy TEXT
17 Address TEXT
18 Phone TEXT
19 MobilePhone TEXT
20 Fax TEXT
21 Email TEXT
22 Website TEXT
23 PhotoUrl TEXT
24 Description TEXT
25 LeadSource TEXT
26 Status TEXT
27 Industry TEXT
28 Rating TEXT
29 AnnualRevenue REAL
30 NumberOfEmployees REAL
31 OwnerId TEXT
32 IsConverted INTEGER
33 ConvertedDate TEXT
34 ConvertedAccountId TEXT
35 ConvertedContactId TEXT
36 ConvertedOpportunityId TEXT
37 IsUnreadByOwner INTEGER
38 CreatedDate TEXT
39 CreatedById TEXT
40 LastModifiedDate TEXT
41 LastModifiedById TEXT
42 SystemModstamp TEXT
43 LastActivityDate TEXT
44 LastViewedDate TEXT
45 LastReferencedDate TEXT
46 Jigsaw TEXT
47 JigsawContactId TEXT
48 CleanStatus TEXT
49 CompanyDunsNumber TEXT
50 DandbCompanyId TEXT
51 EmailBouncedReason TEXT
52 EmailBouncedDate TEXT
53 IndividualId TEXT
54 IsPriorityRecord INTEGER


Represents an opportunity, which is a sale or pending deal.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 AccountId TEXT
3 IsPrivate INTEGER
4 Name TEXT
5 Description TEXT
6 StageName TEXT
7 Amount REAL
8 Probability REAL
9 ExpectedRevenue REAL
10 TotalOpportunityQuantity REAL
11 CloseDate TEXT
12 Type TEXT
13 NextStep TEXT
14 LeadSource TEXT
15 IsClosed INTEGER
17 ForecastCategory TEXT
18 ForecastCategoryName TEXT
19 CampaignId TEXT
20 HasOpportunityLineItem INTEGER
21 Pricebook2Id TEXT
22 OwnerId TEXT
23 CreatedDate TEXT
24 CreatedById TEXT
25 LastModifiedDate TEXT
26 LastModifiedById TEXT
27 SystemModstamp TEXT
28 LastActivityDate TEXT
29 PushCount REAL
30 LastStageChangeDate TEXT
31 FiscalQuarter REAL
32 FiscalYear REAL
33 Fiscal TEXT
34 ContactId TEXT
35 LastViewedDate TEXT
36 LastReferencedDate TEXT
37 SyncedQuoteId TEXT
38 HasOpenActivity INTEGER
39 HasOverdueTask INTEGER
40 LastAmountChangedHistoryId TEXT
41 LastCloseDateChangedHistoryId TEXT


Represents a case, which is a customer issue or problem.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 MasterRecordId TEXT
3 CaseNumber TEXT
4 ContactId TEXT
5 AccountId TEXT
6 AssetId TEXT
7 SourceId TEXT
8 ParentId TEXT
9 SuppliedName TEXT
10 SuppliedEmail TEXT
11 SuppliedPhone TEXT
12 SuppliedCompany TEXT
13 Type TEXT
14 Status TEXT
15 Reason TEXT
16 Origin TEXT
17 Subject TEXT
18 Priority TEXT
19 Description TEXT
20 IsClosed INTEGER
21 ClosedDate TEXT
22 IsEscalated INTEGER
23 OwnerId TEXT
24 CreatedDate TEXT
25 CreatedById TEXT
26 LastModifiedDate TEXT
27 LastModifiedById TEXT
28 SystemModstamp TEXT
29 ContactPhone TEXT
30 ContactMobile TEXT
31 ContactEmail TEXT
32 ContactFax TEXT
33 Comments TEXT
34 LastViewedDate TEXT
35 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents a business activity such as making a phone call or other to-do items. In the user interface, Task and Event records are collectively referred to as activities.

Column index Column name type
1 WhoId TEXT
2 WhatId TEXT
3 Subject TEXT
4 ActivityDate TEXT
5 Status TEXT
6 Priority TEXT
7 IsHighPriority INTEGER
8 OwnerId TEXT
9 Description TEXT
10 IsDeleted INTEGER
11 AccountId TEXT
12 IsClosed INTEGER
13 CreatedDate TEXT
14 CreatedById TEXT
15 LastModifiedDate TEXT
16 LastModifiedById TEXT
17 SystemModstamp TEXT
18 IsArchived INTEGER
19 CallDurationInSeconds REAL
20 CallType TEXT
21 CallDisposition TEXT
22 CallObject TEXT
23 ReminderDateTime TEXT
24 IsReminderSet INTEGER
25 RecurrenceActivityId TEXT
26 IsRecurrence INTEGER
27 RecurrenceStartDateOnly TEXT
28 RecurrenceEndDateOnly TEXT
29 RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey TEXT
30 RecurrenceType TEXT
31 RecurrenceInterval REAL
32 RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask REAL
33 RecurrenceDayOfMonth REAL
34 RecurrenceInstance TEXT
35 RecurrenceMonthOfYear TEXT
36 RecurrenceRegeneratedType TEXT
37 TaskSubtype TEXT
38 CompletedDateTime TEXT


Represents an event in the calendar. In the user interface, event and task records are collectively referred to as activities.

Column index Column name type
1 WhoId TEXT
2 WhatId TEXT
3 Subject TEXT
4 Location TEXT
5 IsAllDayEvent INTEGER
6 ActivityDateTime TEXT
7 ActivityDate TEXT
8 DurationInMinutes REAL
9 StartDateTime TEXT
10 EndDateTime TEXT
11 EndDate TEXT
12 Description TEXT
13 AccountId TEXT
14 OwnerId TEXT
15 IsPrivate INTEGER
16 ShowAs TEXT
17 IsDeleted INTEGER
18 IsChild INTEGER
19 IsGroupEvent INTEGER
20 GroupEventType TEXT
21 CreatedDate TEXT
22 CreatedById TEXT
23 LastModifiedDate TEXT
24 LastModifiedById TEXT
25 SystemModstamp TEXT
26 IsArchived INTEGER
27 RecurrenceActivityId TEXT
28 IsRecurrence INTEGER
29 RecurrenceStartDateTime TEXT
30 RecurrenceEndDateOnly TEXT
31 RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey TEXT
32 RecurrenceType TEXT
33 RecurrenceInterval REAL
34 RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask REAL
35 RecurrenceDayOfMonth REAL
36 RecurrenceInstance TEXT
37 RecurrenceMonthOfYear TEXT
38 ReminderDateTime TEXT
39 IsReminderSet INTEGER
40 EventSubtype TEXT
41 IsRecurrence2Exclusion INTEGER
42 Recurrence2PatternText TEXT
43 Recurrence2PatternVersion TEXT
44 IsRecurrence2 INTEGER
45 IsRecurrence2Exception INTEGER
46 Recurrence2PatternStartDate TEXT
47 Recurrence2PatternTimeZone TEXT
48 ServiceAppointmentId TEXT


Represents and tracks a marketing campaign, such as a direct mail promotion, webinar, or trade show.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 Name TEXT
3 ParentId TEXT
4 Type TEXT
5 Status TEXT
6 StartDate TEXT
7 EndDate TEXT
8 ExpectedRevenue REAL
9 BudgetedCost REAL
10 ActualCost REAL
11 ExpectedResponse REAL
12 NumberSent REAL
13 IsActive INTEGER
14 Description TEXT
15 NumberOfLeads REAL
16 NumberOfConvertedLeads REAL
17 NumberOfContacts REAL
18 NumberOfResponses REAL
19 NumberOfOpportunities REAL
20 NumberOfWonOpportunities REAL
21 AmountAllOpportunities REAL
22 AmountWonOpportunities REAL
23 OwnerId TEXT
24 CreatedDate TEXT
25 CreatedById TEXT
26 LastModifiedDate TEXT
27 LastModifiedById TEXT
28 SystemModstamp TEXT
29 LastActivityDate TEXT
30 LastViewedDate TEXT
31 LastReferencedDate TEXT
32 CampaignMemberRecordTypeId TEXT


Represents a user in your organization.

Column index Column name type
1 Username TEXT
2 LastName TEXT
3 FirstName TEXT
4 Name TEXT
5 CompanyName TEXT
6 Division TEXT
7 Department TEXT
8 Title TEXT
9 Street TEXT
10 City TEXT
11 State TEXT
12 PostalCode TEXT
13 Country TEXT
14 Latitude REAL
15 Longitude REAL
16 GeocodeAccuracy TEXT
17 Address TEXT
18 Email TEXT
20 EmailPreferencesAutoBccStayInTouch INTEGER
21 EmailPreferencesStayInTouchReminder INTEGER
22 SenderEmail TEXT
23 SenderName TEXT
24 Signature TEXT
25 StayInTouchSubject TEXT
26 StayInTouchSignature TEXT
27 StayInTouchNote TEXT
28 Phone TEXT
29 Fax TEXT
30 MobilePhone TEXT
31 Alias TEXT
32 CommunityNickname TEXT
33 BadgeText TEXT
34 IsActive INTEGER
35 TimeZoneSidKey TEXT
36 UserRoleId TEXT
37 LocaleSidKey TEXT
38 ReceivesInfoEmails INTEGER
39 ReceivesAdminInfoEmails INTEGER
40 EmailEncodingKey TEXT
41 ProfileId TEXT
42 UserType TEXT
43 LanguageLocaleKey TEXT
44 EmployeeNumber TEXT
45 DelegatedApproverId TEXT
46 ManagerId TEXT
47 LastLoginDate TEXT
48 LastPasswordChangeDate TEXT
49 CreatedDate TEXT
50 CreatedById TEXT
51 LastModifiedDate TEXT
52 LastModifiedById TEXT
53 SystemModstamp TEXT
54 NumberOfFailedLogins REAL
55 OfflineTrialExpirationDate TEXT
56 OfflinePdaTrialExpirationDate TEXT
57 UserPermissionsMarketingUser INTEGER
58 UserPermissionsOfflineUser INTEGER
59 UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin INTEGER
60 UserPermissionsSFContentUser INTEGER
61 UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser INTEGER
62 UserPermissionsInteractionUser INTEGER
63 UserPermissionsSupportUser INTEGER
64 UserPermissionsJigsawProspectingUser INTEGER
65 UserPermissionsSiteforceContributorUser INTEGER
66 UserPermissionsSiteforcePublisherUser INTEGER
67 UserPermissionsWorkDotComUserFeature INTEGER
68 ForecastEnabled INTEGER
69 UserPreferencesActivityRemindersPopup INTEGER
70 UserPreferencesEventRemindersCheckboxDefault INTEGER
71 UserPreferencesTaskRemindersCheckboxDefault INTEGER
72 UserPreferencesReminderSoundOff INTEGER
73 UserPreferencesDisableAllFeedsEmail INTEGER
74 UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail INTEGER
75 UserPreferencesDisableProfilePostEmail INTEGER
76 UserPreferencesDisableChangeCommentEmail INTEGER
77 UserPreferencesDisableLaterCommentEmail INTEGER
78 UserPreferencesDisProfPostCommentEmail INTEGER
79 UserPreferencesContentNoEmail INTEGER
80 UserPreferencesContentEmailAsAndWhen INTEGER
81 UserPreferencesApexPagesDeveloperMode INTEGER
82 UserPreferencesReceiveNoNotificationsAsApprover INTEGER
83 UserPreferencesReceiveNotificationsAsDelegatedApprover INTEGER
84 UserPreferencesHideCSNGetChatterMobileTask INTEGER
85 UserPreferencesDisableMentionsPostEmail INTEGER
86 UserPreferencesDisMentionsCommentEmail INTEGER
87 UserPreferencesHideCSNDesktopTask INTEGER
88 UserPreferencesHideChatterOnboardingSplash INTEGER
89 UserPreferencesHideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash INTEGER
90 UserPreferencesDisCommentAfterLikeEmail INTEGER
91 UserPreferencesDisableLikeEmail INTEGER
92 UserPreferencesSortFeedByComment INTEGER
93 UserPreferencesDisableMessageEmail INTEGER
94 UserPreferencesJigsawListUser INTEGER
95 UserPreferencesDisableBookmarkEmail INTEGER
96 UserPreferencesDisableSharePostEmail INTEGER
97 UserPreferencesEnableAutoSubForFeeds INTEGER
98 UserPreferencesDisableFileShareNotificationsForApi INTEGER
99 UserPreferencesShowTitleToExternalUsers INTEGER
100 UserPreferencesShowManagerToExternalUsers INTEGER
101 UserPreferencesShowEmailToExternalUsers INTEGER
102 UserPreferencesShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers INTEGER
103 UserPreferencesShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers INTEGER
104 UserPreferencesShowFaxToExternalUsers INTEGER
105 UserPreferencesShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers INTEGER
106 UserPreferencesShowCityToExternalUsers INTEGER
107 UserPreferencesShowStateToExternalUsers INTEGER
108 UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers INTEGER
109 UserPreferencesShowCountryToExternalUsers INTEGER
110 UserPreferencesShowProfilePicToGuestUsers INTEGER
111 UserPreferencesShowTitleToGuestUsers INTEGER
112 UserPreferencesShowCityToGuestUsers INTEGER
113 UserPreferencesShowStateToGuestUsers INTEGER
114 UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers INTEGER
115 UserPreferencesShowCountryToGuestUsers INTEGER
116 UserPreferencesShowForecastingChangeSignals INTEGER
117 UserPreferencesLiveAgentMiawSetupDeflection INTEGER
118 UserPreferencesHideS1BrowserUI INTEGER
119 UserPreferencesDisableEndorsementEmail INTEGER
120 UserPreferencesPathAssistantCollapsed INTEGER
121 UserPreferencesCacheDiagnostics INTEGER
122 UserPreferencesShowEmailToGuestUsers INTEGER
123 UserPreferencesShowManagerToGuestUsers INTEGER
124 UserPreferencesShowWorkPhoneToGuestUsers INTEGER
125 UserPreferencesShowMobilePhoneToGuestUsers INTEGER
126 UserPreferencesShowFaxToGuestUsers INTEGER
127 UserPreferencesShowStreetAddressToGuestUsers INTEGER
128 UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred INTEGER
129 UserPreferencesPreviewLightning INTEGER
130 UserPreferencesHideEndUserOnboardingAssistantModal INTEGER
131 UserPreferencesHideLightningMigrationModal INTEGER
132 UserPreferencesHideSfxWelcomeMat INTEGER
133 UserPreferencesHideBiggerPhotoCallout INTEGER
134 UserPreferencesGlobalNavBarWTShown INTEGER
135 UserPreferencesGlobalNavGridMenuWTShown INTEGER
136 UserPreferencesCreateLEXAppsWTShown INTEGER
137 UserPreferencesFavoritesWTShown INTEGER
138 UserPreferencesRecordHomeSectionCollapseWTShown INTEGER
139 UserPreferencesRecordHomeReservedWTShown INTEGER
140 UserPreferencesFavoritesShowTopFavorites INTEGER
141 UserPreferencesExcludeMailAppAttachments INTEGER
142 UserPreferencesSuppressTaskSFXReminders INTEGER
143 UserPreferencesSuppressEventSFXReminders INTEGER
144 UserPreferencesPreviewCustomTheme INTEGER
145 UserPreferencesHasCelebrationBadge INTEGER
146 UserPreferencesUserDebugModePref INTEGER
147 UserPreferencesSRHOverrideActivities INTEGER
148 UserPreferencesNewLightningReportRunPageEnabled INTEGER
149 UserPreferencesReverseOpenActivitiesView INTEGER
150 UserPreferencesShowTerritoryTimeZoneShifts INTEGER
151 UserPreferencesHasSentWarningEmail INTEGER
152 UserPreferencesHasSentWarningEmail238 INTEGER
153 UserPreferencesHasSentWarningEmail240 INTEGER
154 UserPreferencesNativeEmailClient INTEGER
155 UserPreferencesShowForecastingRoundedAmounts INTEGER
156 ContactId TEXT
157 AccountId TEXT
158 CallCenterId TEXT
159 Extension TEXT
160 FederationIdentifier TEXT
161 AboutMe TEXT
162 FullPhotoUrl TEXT
163 SmallPhotoUrl TEXT
164 IsExtIndicatorVisible INTEGER
165 OutOfOfficeMessage TEXT
166 MediumPhotoUrl TEXT
167 DigestFrequency TEXT
168 DefaultGroupNotificationFrequency TEXT
169 JigsawImportLimitOverride REAL
170 LastViewedDate TEXT
171 LastReferencedDate TEXT
172 BannerPhotoUrl TEXT
173 SmallBannerPhotoUrl TEXT
174 MediumBannerPhotoUrl TEXT
175 IsProfilePhotoActive INTEGER
176 IndividualId TEXT


The CampaignMember object represents the relationship between a campaign and either a lead or a contact. If the Accounts as Campaign Members setting is enabled in an org, CampaignMember can also represent the relationship between a campaign and an account.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 CampaignId TEXT
3 LeadId TEXT
4 ContactId TEXT
5 Status TEXT
6 HasResponded INTEGER
7 CreatedDate TEXT
8 CreatedById TEXT
9 LastModifiedDate TEXT
10 LastModifiedById TEXT
11 SystemModstamp TEXT
12 FirstRespondedDate TEXT
13 Salutation TEXT
14 Name TEXT
15 FirstName TEXT
16 LastName TEXT
17 Title TEXT
18 Street TEXT
19 City TEXT
20 State TEXT
21 PostalCode TEXT
22 Country TEXT
23 Email TEXT
24 Phone TEXT
25 Fax TEXT
26 MobilePhone TEXT
27 Description TEXT
28 DoNotCall INTEGER
29 HasOptedOutOfEmail INTEGER
30 HasOptedOutOfFax INTEGER
31 LeadSource TEXT
32 CompanyOrAccount TEXT
33 Type TEXT
34 LeadOrContactId TEXT
35 LeadOrContactOwnerId TEXT


Represents an item of commercial value, such as a product sold by your company or a competitor, that a customer has purchased.

Column index Column name type
1 ContactId TEXT
2 AccountId TEXT
3 ParentId TEXT
4 RootAssetId TEXT
5 Product2Id TEXT
6 ProductCode TEXT
7 IsCompetitorProduct INTEGER
8 CreatedDate TEXT
9 CreatedById TEXT
10 LastModifiedDate TEXT
11 LastModifiedById TEXT
12 SystemModstamp TEXT
13 IsDeleted INTEGER
14 Name TEXT
15 SerialNumber TEXT
16 InstallDate TEXT
17 PurchaseDate TEXT
18 UsageEndDate TEXT
19 LifecycleStartDate TEXT
20 LifecycleEndDate TEXT
21 Status TEXT
22 Price REAL
23 Quantity REAL
24 Description TEXT
25 OwnerId TEXT
26 AssetProvidedById TEXT
27 AssetServicedById TEXT
28 IsInternal INTEGER
29 AssetLevel REAL
30 StockKeepingUnit TEXT
31 HasLifecycleManagement INTEGER
32 CurrentMrr REAL
33 CurrentLifecycleEndDate TEXT
34 CurrentQuantity REAL
35 CurrentAmount REAL
36 TotalLifecycleAmount REAL
37 Street TEXT
38 City TEXT
39 State TEXT
40 PostalCode TEXT
41 Country TEXT
42 Latitude REAL
43 Longitude REAL
44 GeocodeAccuracy TEXT
45 Address TEXT
46 LastViewedDate TEXT
47 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents a contract (a business agreement) associated with an Account.

Column index Column name type
1 AccountId TEXT
2 Pricebook2Id TEXT
3 OwnerExpirationNotice TEXT
4 StartDate TEXT
5 EndDate TEXT
6 BillingStreet TEXT
7 BillingCity TEXT
8 BillingState TEXT
9 BillingPostalCode TEXT
10 BillingCountry TEXT
11 BillingLatitude REAL
12 BillingLongitude REAL
13 BillingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
14 BillingAddress TEXT
15 ContractTerm REAL
16 OwnerId TEXT
17 Status TEXT
18 CompanySignedId TEXT
19 CompanySignedDate TEXT
20 CustomerSignedId TEXT
21 CustomerSignedTitle TEXT
22 CustomerSignedDate TEXT
23 SpecialTerms TEXT
24 ActivatedById TEXT
25 ActivatedDate TEXT
26 StatusCode TEXT
27 Description TEXT
28 IsDeleted INTEGER
29 ContractNumber TEXT
30 LastApprovedDate TEXT
31 CreatedDate TEXT
32 CreatedById TEXT
33 LastModifiedDate TEXT
34 LastModifiedById TEXT
35 SystemModstamp TEXT
36 LastActivityDate TEXT
37 LastViewedDate TEXT
38 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents a product covered by a service contract (customer support agreement).

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 LineItemNumber TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 SystemModstamp TEXT
8 LastViewedDate TEXT
9 LastReferencedDate TEXT
10 ServiceContractId TEXT
11 Product2Id TEXT
12 AssetId TEXT
13 StartDate TEXT
14 EndDate TEXT
15 Description TEXT
16 PricebookEntryId TEXT
17 Quantity REAL
18 UnitPrice REAL
19 Discount REAL
20 ListPrice REAL
21 Subtotal REAL
22 TotalPrice REAL
23 Status TEXT
24 ParentContractLineItemId TEXT
25 RootContractLineItemId TEXT
26 LocationId TEXT


Represents a customer support contract (business agreement).

Column index Column name type
1 OwnerId TEXT
2 IsDeleted INTEGER
3 Name TEXT
4 CreatedDate TEXT
5 CreatedById TEXT
6 LastModifiedDate TEXT
7 LastModifiedById TEXT
8 SystemModstamp TEXT
9 LastViewedDate TEXT
10 LastReferencedDate TEXT
11 AccountId TEXT
12 ContactId TEXT
13 Term REAL
14 StartDate TEXT
15 EndDate TEXT
16 ActivationDate TEXT
17 ApprovalStatus TEXT
18 Description TEXT
19 BillingStreet TEXT
20 BillingCity TEXT
21 BillingState TEXT
22 BillingPostalCode TEXT
23 BillingCountry TEXT
24 BillingLatitude REAL
25 BillingLongitude REAL
26 BillingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
27 BillingAddress TEXT
28 ShippingStreet TEXT
29 ShippingCity TEXT
30 ShippingState TEXT
31 ShippingPostalCode TEXT
32 ShippingCountry TEXT
33 ShippingLatitude REAL
34 ShippingLongitude REAL
35 ShippingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
36 ShippingAddress TEXT
37 Pricebook2Id TEXT
38 ShippingHandling REAL
39 Tax REAL
40 Subtotal REAL
41 TotalPrice REAL
42 LineItemCount REAL
43 ContractNumber TEXT
44 SpecialTerms TEXT
45 Discount REAL
46 GrandTotal REAL
47 Status TEXT
48 ParentServiceContractId TEXT
49 RootServiceContractId TEXT
50 AdditionalDiscount REAL


Represents a detailed description of a customer issue and the resolution of that issue.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 SolutionNumber TEXT
3 SolutionName TEXT
4 IsPublished INTEGER
5 IsPublishedInPublicKb INTEGER
6 Status TEXT
7 IsReviewed INTEGER
8 SolutionNote TEXT
9 OwnerId TEXT
10 CreatedDate TEXT
11 CreatedById TEXT
12 LastModifiedDate TEXT
13 LastModifiedById TEXT
14 SystemModstamp TEXT
15 TimesUsed REAL
16 LastViewedDate TEXT
17 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents a price book that contains the list of products that your org sells.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 Name TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 SystemModstamp TEXT
8 LastViewedDate TEXT
9 LastReferencedDate TEXT
10 IsActive INTEGER
11 IsArchived INTEGER
12 Description TEXT
13 IsStandard INTEGER


Represents a product that your company sells. This table has several fields that are used only for quantity and revenue schedules (for example, annuities). Schedules are available only for orgs that have enabled the products and schedules features. If these features aren’t enabled, the schedule fields don’t appear , and you can’t query, create, or update the fields.

Use this table to define the default product information for your org. This table is associated by reference with Pricebook2 table via PricebookEntry objects. The same product can be represented in different price books as price book entries. In fact, the same product can be represented multiple times (as separate PricebookEntry records) in the same price book with different prices or currencies. A product can only have one price for a given currency within the same price book. To be used in custom price books, all standard prices must be added as price book entries to the standard price book.

Column index Column name type
1 Name TEXT
2 ProductCode TEXT
3 Description TEXT
4 IsActive INTEGER
5 CreatedDate TEXT
6 CreatedById TEXT
7 LastModifiedDate TEXT
8 LastModifiedById TEXT
9 SystemModstamp TEXT
10 Family TEXT
11 ExternalDataSourceId TEXT
12 ExternalId TEXT
13 DisplayUrl TEXT
14 QuantityUnitOfMeasure TEXT
15 IsDeleted INTEGER
16 IsArchived INTEGER
17 LastViewedDate TEXT
18 LastReferencedDate TEXT
19 StockKeepingUnit TEXT
20 Type TEXT
21 ProductClass TEXT


Represents the stock of a particular product at a particular location in field service, such as all bolts stored in your main warehouse. Each product item is associated with a product and a location in Salesforce. If a product is stored at multiple locations, the product will be tracked in a different product item for each location.

Note that field service must be enabled in your org to use this table.

Column index Column name type
1 OwnerId TEXT
2 IsDeleted INTEGER
3 ProductItemNumber TEXT
4 CreatedDate TEXT
5 CreatedById TEXT
6 LastModifiedDate TEXT
7 LastModifiedById TEXT
8 SystemModstamp TEXT
9 LastViewedDate TEXT
10 LastReferencedDate TEXT
11 LocationId TEXT
12 Product2Id TEXT
13 ProductName TEXT
14 SerialNumber TEXT
15 QuantityOnHand REAL
16 QuantityUnitOfMeasure TEXT
17 IsProduct2Serialized INTEGER


Represents a product entry (an association between a Pricebook2 and Product2) in a price book.

Use this table to define the association between your organization’s products (Product2) and your organization’s standard price book or to custom price books ( Pricebook2). Create one PricebookEntry record for each standard or custom price and currency combination for a product in a Pricebook2.

When creating these records, you must specify the IDs of the associated Pricebook2 record and Product2 record. Once these records are created, you can’t update these IDs.

This table is defined only for those organizations that have products enabled as a feature.

Column index Column name type
1 Name TEXT
2 Pricebook2Id TEXT
3 Product2Id TEXT
4 UnitPrice REAL
5 IsActive INTEGER
6 UseStandardPrice INTEGER
7 CreatedDate TEXT
8 CreatedById TEXT
9 LastModifiedDate TEXT
10 LastModifiedById TEXT
11 SystemModstamp TEXT
12 ProductCode TEXT
13 IsDeleted INTEGER
14 IsArchived INTEGER


Represents a quote, which is a record showing proposed prices for products and services. Quotes can be created from and synced with opportunities, and emailed as PDFs to customers.

Column index Column name type
1 OwnerId TEXT
2 IsDeleted INTEGER
3 Name TEXT
4 CreatedDate TEXT
5 CreatedById TEXT
6 LastModifiedDate TEXT
7 LastModifiedById TEXT
8 SystemModstamp TEXT
9 LastViewedDate TEXT
10 LastReferencedDate TEXT
11 OpportunityId TEXT
12 Pricebook2Id TEXT
13 ContactId TEXT
14 QuoteNumber TEXT
15 IsSyncing INTEGER
16 ShippingHandling REAL
17 Tax REAL
18 Status TEXT
19 ExpirationDate TEXT
20 Description TEXT
21 Subtotal REAL
22 TotalPrice REAL
23 LineItemCount REAL
24 BillingStreet TEXT
25 BillingCity TEXT
26 BillingState TEXT
27 BillingPostalCode TEXT
28 BillingCountry TEXT
29 BillingLatitude REAL
30 BillingLongitude REAL
31 BillingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
32 BillingAddress TEXT
33 ShippingStreet TEXT
34 ShippingCity TEXT
35 ShippingState TEXT
36 ShippingPostalCode TEXT
37 ShippingCountry TEXT
38 ShippingLatitude REAL
39 ShippingLongitude REAL
40 ShippingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
41 ShippingAddress TEXT
42 QuoteToStreet TEXT
43 QuoteToCity TEXT
44 QuoteToState TEXT
45 QuoteToPostalCode TEXT
46 QuoteToCountry TEXT
47 QuoteToLatitude REAL
48 QuoteToLongitude REAL
49 QuoteToGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
50 QuoteToAddress TEXT
51 AdditionalStreet TEXT
52 AdditionalCity TEXT
53 AdditionalState TEXT
54 AdditionalPostalCode TEXT
55 AdditionalCountry TEXT
56 AdditionalLatitude REAL
57 AdditionalLongitude REAL
58 AdditionalGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
59 AdditionalAddress TEXT
60 BillingName TEXT
61 ShippingName TEXT
62 QuoteToName TEXT
63 AdditionalName TEXT
64 Email TEXT
65 Phone TEXT
66 Fax TEXT
67 ContractId TEXT
68 AccountId TEXT
69 Discount REAL
70 GrandTotal REAL
71 CanCreateQuoteLineItems INTEGER
72 RelatedWorkId TEXT


Represents a quote line item, which is a member of the list of Product2 products associated with a Quote, along with other information about those line items on that quote.

A Quote record can have QuoteLineItem records only if the Quote has a Pricebook2. A QuoteLineItem must correspond to a Product2 that is listed in the quote's Pricebook2.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 LineNumber TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 SystemModstamp TEXT
8 LastViewedDate TEXT
9 LastReferencedDate TEXT
10 QuoteId TEXT
11 PricebookEntryId TEXT
12 OpportunityLineItemId TEXT
13 Quantity REAL
14 UnitPrice REAL
15 Discount REAL
16 Description TEXT
17 ServiceDate TEXT
18 Product2Id TEXT
19 SortOrder REAL
20 ListPrice REAL
21 Subtotal REAL
22 TotalPrice REAL


Represents an order associated with a contract or an account.

The Status field specifies the current state of an order. Status strings represent its current state (Draft or Activated).

When you create an order, the Status Code must be Draft and the Status must be any value that corresponds to a Status Code of Draft. The application can then activate an order by updating it and setting the value in its Status field to an Activated state; however, the Status field is the only field you can update when activating the order.

After an order is activated, you can change the Status back to the Draft state—but only if the order doesn’t have any child reduction order products. You can delete orders when the Status is Draft but not when its Status is Activated.

Column index Column name type
1 OwnerId TEXT
2 ContractId TEXT
3 AccountId TEXT
4 Pricebook2Id TEXT
5 OriginalOrderId TEXT
6 EffectiveDate TEXT
7 EndDate TEXT
8 IsReductionOrder INTEGER
9 Status TEXT
10 Description TEXT
11 CustomerAuthorizedById TEXT
12 CustomerAuthorizedDate TEXT
13 CompanyAuthorizedById TEXT
14 CompanyAuthorizedDate TEXT
15 Type TEXT
16 BillingStreet TEXT
17 BillingCity TEXT
18 BillingState TEXT
19 BillingPostalCode TEXT
20 BillingCountry TEXT
21 BillingLatitude REAL
22 BillingLongitude REAL
23 BillingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
24 BillingAddress TEXT
25 ShippingStreet TEXT
26 ShippingCity TEXT
27 ShippingState TEXT
28 ShippingPostalCode TEXT
29 ShippingCountry TEXT
30 ShippingLatitude REAL
31 ShippingLongitude REAL
32 ShippingGeocodeAccuracy TEXT
33 ShippingAddress TEXT
34 Name TEXT
35 PoDate TEXT
36 PoNumber TEXT
37 OrderReferenceNumber TEXT
38 BillToContactId TEXT
39 ShipToContactId TEXT
40 ActivatedDate TEXT
41 ActivatedById TEXT
42 StatusCode TEXT
43 OrderNumber TEXT
44 TotalAmount REAL
45 CreatedDate TEXT
46 CreatedById TEXT
47 LastModifiedDate TEXT
48 LastModifiedById TEXT
49 IsDeleted INTEGER
50 SystemModstamp TEXT
51 LastViewedDate TEXT
52 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents an order product that your organization sells.

An order can have associated order product records only if the order has a price book associated with it. An order product must correspond to a product that is listed in the order’s price book.

Column index Column name type
1 Product2Id TEXT
2 IsDeleted INTEGER
3 OrderId TEXT
4 PricebookEntryId TEXT
5 OriginalOrderItemId TEXT
6 AvailableQuantity REAL
7 Quantity REAL
8 UnitPrice REAL
9 ListPrice REAL
10 TotalPrice REAL
11 ServiceDate TEXT
12 EndDate TEXT
13 Description TEXT
14 CreatedDate TEXT
15 CreatedById TEXT
16 LastModifiedDate TEXT
17 LastModifiedById TEXT
18 SystemModstamp TEXT
19 OrderItemNumber TEXT


Represents a financial document describing the total amount a buyer must pay for goods or services provided. Users can edit non-posted invoices. Posted invoices can’t be deleted. After an invoice is posted, users can make payments against it to reduce its balance.

To access these entities, your org must have a Salesforce Order Management or D2C Commerce license.

Column index Column name type
1 OwnerId TEXT
2 IsDeleted INTEGER
3 DocumentNumber TEXT
4 CreatedDate TEXT
5 CreatedById TEXT
6 LastModifiedDate TEXT
7 LastModifiedById TEXT
8 SystemModstamp TEXT
9 LastViewedDate TEXT
10 LastReferencedDate TEXT
11 ReferenceEntityId TEXT
12 InvoiceNumber TEXT
13 BillingAccountId TEXT
14 TotalAmount REAL
15 TotalAmountWithTax REAL
16 TotalChargeAmount REAL
17 TotalAdjustmentAmount REAL
18 TotalTaxAmount REAL
19 Status TEXT
20 InvoiceDate TEXT
21 DueDate TEXT
22 BillToContactId TEXT
23 Description TEXT
24 Balance REAL
25 TotalChargeTaxAmount REAL
26 TotalChargeAmountWithTax REAL
27 TotalAdjustmentTaxAmount REAL
28 TotalAdjustmentAmountWithTax REAL
29 NetCreditsApplied REAL
30 NetPaymentsApplied REAL
31 IsInvoiceLocked INTEGER
32 InvoiceLockedDateTime TEXT


Represents the amount that a buyer must pay for a product, service, or fee. Invoice lines are created based on the amount of an order line.

This table is available when Order Management or Subscription Management is enabled.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 Name TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 SystemModstamp TEXT
8 InvoiceId TEXT
9 ReferenceEntityItemId TEXT
10 GroupReferenceEntityItemId TEXT
11 LineAmount REAL
12 Quantity REAL
13 UnitPrice REAL
14 ChargeAmount REAL
15 TaxAmount REAL
16 AdjustmentAmount REAL
17 InvoiceStatus TEXT
18 Description TEXT
19 InvoiceLineStartDate TEXT
20 InvoiceLineEndDate TEXT
21 ReferenceEntityItemType TEXT
22 ReferenceEntityItemTypeCode TEXT
23 Product2Id TEXT
24 RelatedLineId TEXT
25 Type TEXT
26 TaxName TEXT
27 TaxCode TEXT
28 TaxRate REAL
29 TaxEffectiveDate TEXT
30 ChargeTaxAmount REAL
31 ChargeAmountWithTax REAL
32 AdjustmentTaxAmount REAL
33 AdjustmentAmountWithTax REAL
34 TaxProcessingStatus TEXT

The Salesforce plugin provides tables for the following objects: account, contact, lead, opportunity, case, task, event, campaign, user, campaignmember, asset, contract, contractlineitem, servicecontract, solution, pricebook2, product2, productitem, pricebookentry, quote, quotelineitem, order, orderitem, invoice, invoiceline, report, dashboard, document, payment, paymentlineinvoice


Represents a report, a set of data that meets certain criteria, displayed in an organized way. Access is read-only.

Column index Column name type
1 OwnerId TEXT
2 FolderName TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 IsDeleted INTEGER
8 Name TEXT
9 Description TEXT
10 DeveloperName TEXT
11 NamespacePrefix TEXT
12 LastRunDate TEXT
13 SystemModstamp TEXT
14 Format TEXT
15 LastViewedDate TEXT
16 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents a dashboard, which shows data from custom reports as visual components. Access is read-only.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 OwnerId TEXT
3 FolderId TEXT
4 FolderName TEXT
5 Title TEXT
6 DeveloperName TEXT
7 NamespacePrefix TEXT
8 Description TEXT
9 LeftSize TEXT
10 MiddleSize TEXT
11 RightSize TEXT
12 CreatedDate TEXT
13 CreatedById TEXT
14 LastModifiedDate TEXT
15 LastModifiedById TEXT
16 SystemModstamp TEXT
17 RunningUserId TEXT
18 TitleColor REAL
19 TitleSize REAL
20 TextColor REAL
21 BackgroundStart REAL
22 BackgroundEnd REAL
23 BackgroundDirection TEXT
24 Type TEXT
25 LastViewedDate TEXT
26 LastReferencedDate TEXT
27 DashboardResultRefreshedDate TEXT
28 DashboardResultRunningUser TEXT
29 ColorPalette TEXT
30 ChartTheme TEXT


Represents a file that a user has uploaded. Unlike Attachment records, documents are not attached to a parent object.

When creating or updating a document, you can specify a value in either the Body or Url fields, but not both.

Column index Column name type
1 FolderId TEXT
2 IsDeleted INTEGER
3 Name TEXT
4 DeveloperName TEXT
5 NamespacePrefix TEXT
6 ContentType TEXT
7 Type TEXT
9 BodyLength REAL
10 Body TEXT
11 Url TEXT
12 Description TEXT
13 Keywords TEXT
14 IsInternalUseOnly INTEGER
15 AuthorId TEXT
16 CreatedDate TEXT
17 CreatedById TEXT
18 LastModifiedDate TEXT
19 LastModifiedById TEXT
20 SystemModstamp TEXT
21 IsBodySearchable INTEGER
22 LastViewedDate TEXT
23 LastReferencedDate TEXT


Represents a single event when a shopper makes a payment. For credit cards, this event is a payment capture or payment sale, but it doesn't appear on the shopper's credit card statement.

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 PaymentNumber TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 SystemModstamp TEXT
8 LastViewedDate TEXT
9 LastReferencedDate TEXT
10 PaymentGroupId TEXT
11 AccountId TEXT
12 PaymentAuthorizationId TEXT
13 Date TEXT
14 CancellationDate TEXT
15 Amount REAL
16 Status TEXT
17 Type TEXT
18 ProcessingMode TEXT
19 GatewayRefNumber TEXT
20 ClientContext TEXT
21 GatewayResultCode TEXT
22 SfResultCode TEXT
23 GatewayDate TEXT
24 CancellationGatewayRefNumber TEXT
25 CancellationGatewayResultCode TEXT
26 CancellationSfResultCode TEXT
27 CancellationGatewayDate TEXT
28 Comments TEXT
29 ImpactAmount REAL
30 EffectiveDate TEXT
31 CancellationEffectiveDate TEXT
32 GatewayResultCodeDescription TEXT
33 GatewayRefDetails TEXT
34 IpAddress TEXT
35 MacAddress TEXT
36 Phone TEXT
37 Email TEXT
38 PaymentGatewayId TEXT
39 PaymentMethodId TEXT
40 TotalApplied REAL
41 TotalUnapplied REAL
42 NetApplied REAL
43 Balance REAL
44 TotalRefundApplied REAL
45 TotalRefundUnapplied REAL
46 NetRefundApplied REAL
47 PaymentIntentGuid TEXT


Represents a payment allocated to or unallocated from an invoice.

To access Commerce Payments entities, your org must have a Salesforce Order Management license with the Payment Platform org permission activated. Commerce Payments entities are available only in Lightning Experience.

Use a payment line to apply all or part of a payment’s balance to an invoice. The PaymentLineInvoice object represents the balance taken from the payment and applied toward the invoice. You can apply a payment’s balance when you create the payment record or afterward. The payment line must have the same currency as the parent payment.

A payment line has an amount, which represents the total amount taken from the payment, and balance, which represents the remaining amount after the payment line has been applied to an invoice. A payment’s amount can’t be less than the sum of all of its payment line amounts.

One payment can have multiple payment lines. A payment line must be related to only payment.

You can create multiple payment lines on a payment apply each line to different invoices on the same account, or to invoices on different accounts.

Schema of paymentlineinvoice

Column index Column name type
1 IsDeleted INTEGER
2 PaymentLineInvoiceNumber TEXT
3 CreatedDate TEXT
4 CreatedById TEXT
5 LastModifiedDate TEXT
6 LastModifiedById TEXT
7 SystemModstamp TEXT
8 LastViewedDate TEXT
9 LastReferencedDate TEXT
10 InvoiceId TEXT
11 PaymentId TEXT
12 Amount REAL
13 Type TEXT
14 HasBeenUnapplied TEXT
15 Comments TEXT
16 Date TEXT
17 AppliedDate TEXT
18 EffectiveDate TEXT
19 UnappliedDate TEXT
20 AssociatedAccountId TEXT
21 AssociatedPaymentLineId TEXT
22 ImpactAmount REAL
23 EffectiveImpactAmount REAL
24 PaymentBalance REAL