How to Bulk Delete Data in a Notion Database

Anyquery is a SQL query engine that enables you to execute SQL queries on virtually anything, including Notion databases. In this tutorial, we will cover how to bulk delete data in a Notion database using Anyquery.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

Setting Up Notion Plugin

  1. Go to Notion's My Integrations page and create a new integration.
  2. Select the relevant workspace and copy the integration token.
  3. Share the database you want to query with the integration.

Refer to the Notion integration guide for more details.

Step 1: Launch Anyquery

First, start Anyquery in shell mode:


Step 2: List the Data in the Notion Database

Before we delete data, it's a good idea to list the data you want to delete. Here is an example query to select all rows from a Notion database:

SELECT * FROM notion_database;

Replace notion_database with the actual name of your Notion database.

Step 3: Bulk Delete Data

To delete specific rows in bulk, use the DELETE FROM statement with appropriate conditions. For example, to delete all rows where the column status is completed:

DELETE FROM notion_database WHERE status = 'completed';

Example Workflow

Here's a complete workflow:

  1. Start the Anyquery shell:

  2. List all rows to ensure you are deleting the correct data:

    SELECT * FROM notion_database;
  3. Delete all rows where the status is completed:

    DELETE FROM notion_database WHERE status = 'completed';
  4. Verify the deletion by listing the remaining rows:

    SELECT * FROM notion_database;



You have successfully learned how to bulk delete data in a Notion database using Anyquery. Use this process to efficiently manage and clean up your Notion databases. For more information, refer to the Notion integration guide and Anyquery documentation.