How to List the Newest Branches in a Git Repository

Anyquery is a SQL query engine that allows you to run SQL queries on virtually any data source, including git repositories. In this tutorial, we will show you how to list the newest branches in a git repository using Anyquery.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

To install the git plugin, run the following command:

anyquery install git

Listing the Newest Branches

To list the newest branches in a git repository, use the git_branches table function. The git_branches function takes the path to the repository as an argument. For remote repositories, ensure that you have git installed and available in the PATH.

Example Query

Let's start by listing all the branches in a local git repository and ordering them by their creation date. The creation date is inferred from the commit date of the latest commit in the branch.

SELECT name, hash, committer_date
    SELECT name, hash,
           (SELECT committer_date FROM git_commits(repository_path) WHERE git_commits.hash = git_branches.hash) as committer_date
    FROM git_branches('path/to/repo')
ORDER BY committer_date DESC;

In this query:

Using Remote Repositories

If you want to list the newest branches from a remote repository, you can specify the URL of the repository. Ensure git is installed and available in the PATH.

SELECT name, hash, committer_date
    SELECT name, hash,
           (SELECT committer_date FROM git_commits('') WHERE git_commits.hash = git_branches.hash) as committer_date
    FROM git_branches('')
ORDER BY committer_date DESC;

Exporting Results

You can also export the results to different formats like CSV, JSON, and HTML. Here is an example to export the results to a CSV file:

anyquery -q "SELECT name, hash, committer_date FROM (SELECT name, hash, (SELECT committer_date FROM git_commits('') WHERE git_commits.hash = git_branches.hash) as committer_date FROM git_branches('')) ORDER BY committer_date DESC" --csv > branches.csv


You have successfully listed the newest branches in a git repository using Anyquery. Now you can explore and analyze your git repositories using SQL. For more information on Anyquery and its features, refer to the official documentation.