How to Get the Number of Tabs Open in Brave Matching a Specific URL

Anyquery is a powerful SQL query engine that allows you to query data from various sources, including web browsers like Brave. This tutorial will guide you through the process of finding the number of open tabs in Brave that match a specific URL.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

anyquery install brave

Step 1: Launch Brave

Ensure your Brave browser is running and you have the tabs open that you want to query.

Step 2: Run a Query to Get the Number of Tabs Matching a Specific URL

Open your terminal and run the following SQL query with Anyquery to find out the number of open tabs in Brave that match a specific URL:

anyquery -q "SELECT count(*) as tab_count FROM brave_tabs WHERE url LIKE '%specific-url%'"

Replace %specific-url% with the URL you are looking for. For example, if you want to find tabs matching, the query would look like this:

anyquery -q "SELECT count(*) as tab_count FROM brave_tabs WHERE url LIKE ''"

This query will return the number of tabs that contain in their URL.

Example Query

Here is an example of querying to find the number of tabs open in Brave that match

anyquery -q "SELECT count(*) as tab_count FROM brave_tabs WHERE url LIKE ''"

This will output the count of Brave tabs that have in their URL.


You have successfully queried the number of open tabs in Brave matching a specific URL using Anyquery. You can now use this technique to monitor and manage your browser tabs more effectively. For more information about Anyquery and its features, refer to the official documentation.

Feel free to explore other functionalities of the Brave plugin by running different SQL queries to manage your browser tabs.